here are a few tidbits on a modest Early 2010 iMac speed bump mentioned in the new roadmap documents Cupertino has put together in the past few weeks:
*Most likely shipping in March or April, though some sources suggest uncertainty over wholesale component cost curves could push this into May depending on market conditions.
*Core 2 models updated to Clarkdale Core i3 32-nanometer desktop CPUs at 2.93 and 3.06GHz with on-chip integrated graphics (replacing nVIDIA 9400). Clarkdale Core i3 adds HyperThreading (two cores, four threads) for a considerable performance bump of 30%+ but does not support Turbo.
*Lynnfield (quad core) models updated with a new 2.93GHz Core i7 model and optional SSD solid-state drives. Slight price cut to existing 2.66GHz Core i5 model.
*27-inch models available with optional Radeon 4870 graphics processor over existing 4850 for a significant (but not dramatic) performance bump. Rumors of a dual-GPU 4870X2 model are thus far unsubstantiated, and questionable due to heat problems.
*Addition of an eSATA external storage port on all models, which will dramatically improve bandwidth for external drives over Firewire 800. This will be part of eSATA adoption across the entire Mac line over the course of 2010.