I am going to buy a top of the line 24" imac 3.06 GHz NVIDIA GeForce 8800 graphics card w/ 4GB RAM and a 750 GB hard drive. I will be running aperture 2 and final cut studio 2. My sole purpose is for photography and professional HD editing. I know that this setup will run these programs just fine, but my question is this: I will edit in 1080i, but plan to switch to 1080p in the near future. How good will this mac be for excellent quality 1080i or 1080p real time editing? I don't want to pay the extra money for a mac pro. I also am not interested in animation, but how well would motion 2 work with this setup and graphics card? I just don't want to make any mistakes before purchasing. I plan on doing some serious pro quality production stuff. I know a mac pro is best for pro quality software and applications, but its not really an option right now. Thanks.