Barefeats has done tests on RAM and using different brands. Not all but some. You may have to read from different studies to see the difference.
I too was skeptical at the start and my Dad (a Mac man from the classic days) was also very very very skeptical, until he did some reading on the barefeats site.
Yes Apple certified memory works, yes it has their warranty. For example look around on
this computer site and notice they have apple certified ram from various brands. Just for examples sake.
I have been putting in third part ram into my Mac's since the days of Power Mac's with SD RAM. The crutial memory is great and amoung the top at the moment and ocw/owc what ever it is, is also amoung the top.
To Good To Be True?..... I don't think it really applies in this case. The third part RAM from the companies other users recommended has been shown to even out perform the Apple stuff. The third part Apple certified stuff on the computer site linked above is for heat reasons, keep that in mind.
Plane and simple Apple takes you to the cleaners on RAM upgrades, and then they go out for a nice dinner on you. They have been criticized for years about the markup on their RAM.
It's not to good to be true.