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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 1, 2007
What are the chances of Apple redesigning the iMac next year...or even later this year? I ask because I don't want to have this design and then Apple comes out with a new one a year later. I also was thinking of just waiting for Snow Leopard to come out as well before upgrading.

On the other hand, I really like the current design so I'm really tempted to grab one. I just don't want to buy this version and have the new one have touch screen, blu-ray, etc. and feel like I wasted my money.

Thanks in advance.
What are the chances of Apple redesigning the iMac next year...or even later this year? I ask because I don't want to have this design and then Apple comes out with a new one a year later. I also was thinking of just waiting for Snow Leopard to come out as well before upgrading.

On the other hand, I really like the current design so I'm really tempted to grab one. I just don't want to buy this version and have the new one have touch screen, blu-ray, etc. and feel like I wasted my money.

Thanks in advance.

Considering Apple just updated their entire Macbook line (save for the Air), to look and match with the current iMac, I would say......not for a very long time.

I could see them possibly fattening or thinning the backside a bit or maybe reducing the chin size depending on the demands of developing technology, but even that I highly doubt. The overall design should essentially remain untouched for years to come. If the trend with the Mac Pro, Mini, and the Macbooks before their new design are any indication.

Though when you talk about things like touch screen and blu-ray, that doesn't and shouldn't affect the design. Those things on the other hand, are quite trivial, and are better left in the pondering minds of those more versed in those areas. I remember Tallest Skill saying that touch screen could be in 10.6, so judging from that, again I'd say not for many years.

This update has me seriously reconsidering Apple's philosophy towards their desktop computers now. I perceive them less and less at the forefront of desktop technology, so things like blu-ray and touch screen in the near future are seeming more unlikely than ever before. I don't know what to expect from Apple anymore honestly.

Though, I would wait for Snow Leopard before upgrading.
Not for a while, Apple just got their entire line in uniform. It will remain that way probably for a couple of years. There might be one or two minor cosmetic changes with a future revision, but other than that, it wont be significantly different.

I wouldn't worry about touch screen. Other than phones, Apple doesn't seem interested in it, and other than for public information points its nothing more than a gimmick anyway.

Snow Leopard probably wont be out until Autumn (Fall), demo and final beta at WWDC.

Blu Ray, no idea.
If you're worried about "wasting your money," you should never buy anything electronic. Seriously. Today's speed demon is next year's "what a piece of crap!" You should see the people bickering over Apple bumping the 15" MBP processor speed.

You're not going to see some touchscreen thing in a desktop soon. It has very limited function when you have a keyboard and mouse available. Quick, tell me something you can do with it besides zooming in on pictures quicker.

As far as Blu-ray, I think you can upgrade the SuperDrive when/if Apple ever adds it to the Mac lines. The newer hardware supports HDCP, so you're just waiting on the drives and OS support. It won't be the easiest thing, but if you're in the market for a Mac, don't let BD hold you back.
I wouldn't think that there would be one anytime soon. Even if they do update it, you still got a hell of a machine.

I bought a "top of the line" 3.06 Mhz iMac about six weeks ago after waiting awhile for any of the rumors of a really hot new iMac coming true.

Bought it at the educational discount price.

So, the new iMacs introduced today have the same processor, the same base memory I have (four gigs), and a slightly better (maybe) graphics processor.

Basically, there was no reason to wait.

Wait a year? For what? A year's worth of rumors about a hot new iMac?

WOW, if you like the current design what do you care if Apple releases a new design. Going by what people charge for second hand iMacs you could always sell the iMac you love to finance the new model that you will probably like only because it is new:D
I remember Tallest Skill saying that touch screen could be in 10.6, so judging from that, again I'd say not for many years.

Sorry, have to correct myself. He had said OS XI, not 10.6. Hope he doesn't come in here and kill me for misquoting his information :D
What are the chances of Apple redesigning the iMac next year...or even later this year? I ask because I don't want to have this design and then Apple comes out with a new one a year later. I also was thinking of just waiting for Snow Leopard to come out as well before upgrading.

On the other hand, I really like the current design so I'm really tempted to grab one. I just don't want to buy this version and have the new one have touch screen, blu-ray, etc. and feel like I wasted my money.

Thanks in advance.

That's not a good enough excuse to not get one! Apple will always upgrade their equipment at some point in time. The update that happened today may not have been a complete redesign, but why would they redesign a product that works great? If you are wanting everything extra you should get the Mac Pro so you can update it yourself.

And for the extra features, I don't see them including bluray and touch screen for the iMacs for a long time. The prices are already high to most customers. A bluray burner drive would add an extra $500 alone, and a full sized touch screen like the one iPhone has would add about $1000.
I think the imac is very current and maybe future proof in the design department... it looks stunning.

However i think they will bring out black/silver keyboard to match the notebooks and maybe a silver mouse... i'd certainly buy that :D
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