My 20" 2.66Ghz iMac with 4GB RAM is 5 months old and had been flawless until Saturday, 3 Janauray 2009. That's when it first suffered a series of what I now call a blueout.
What is a blueout? Well, regardless what application is being used or how many are open, 1) the mouse freezes, and then 2) the screen just blues out. It turns solid blue. No lines, no uneven patches. Finally after anywhere from 1 second to 2 minutes the screen returns to normal and the mouse functions again. And nothing, no data, has been lost. If a QuickTime movie, or even a DVD, is playing, the movie just keeps running during the blueout, and when the screen returns to normal the movie has progressed the same duration as the blueout.
At first I considered this a thermal problem. But that doesn't seem likely since it's happened soon after turning on the computer and surfing the Web—not much processing power and overheating there. I had about 10 blueouts within a 30 minute period that first Saturday, and on Sunday it happened about 8 times all day. Then, suddenly, Monday thru Friday it disappeared—and I used my iMac quite a lot during the week.
But then on Saturday, 10 January, the blueout struck again! And again yesterday, Sunday. Yet today I've not had a problem...yet. Nonetheless it's helplessly maddening to say the least!
Has anyone experienced this problem? A faulty graphics card, maybe? Overheating? A burned out cooling fan—do the newer iMacs even have a cooling fan? Fortunately my iMac is still under its 1-year worldwide warranty and an authorized Apple dealer can (hopefully) get this identified and corrected without additional cost. But I'd like to get a heads up before I venture to the shop and speak to the technician.
What is a blueout? Well, regardless what application is being used or how many are open, 1) the mouse freezes, and then 2) the screen just blues out. It turns solid blue. No lines, no uneven patches. Finally after anywhere from 1 second to 2 minutes the screen returns to normal and the mouse functions again. And nothing, no data, has been lost. If a QuickTime movie, or even a DVD, is playing, the movie just keeps running during the blueout, and when the screen returns to normal the movie has progressed the same duration as the blueout.
At first I considered this a thermal problem. But that doesn't seem likely since it's happened soon after turning on the computer and surfing the Web—not much processing power and overheating there. I had about 10 blueouts within a 30 minute period that first Saturday, and on Sunday it happened about 8 times all day. Then, suddenly, Monday thru Friday it disappeared—and I used my iMac quite a lot during the week.
But then on Saturday, 10 January, the blueout struck again! And again yesterday, Sunday. Yet today I've not had a problem...yet. Nonetheless it's helplessly maddening to say the least!
Has anyone experienced this problem? A faulty graphics card, maybe? Overheating? A burned out cooling fan—do the newer iMacs even have a cooling fan? Fortunately my iMac is still under its 1-year worldwide warranty and an authorized Apple dealer can (hopefully) get this identified and corrected without additional cost. But I'd like to get a heads up before I venture to the shop and speak to the technician.