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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 27, 2008
New York

I turned on my iMac just now and on the right side it looks like a huge finer print i would say... its in the shape of a finger print and looks like a finger print...but takes up half of my entire screen.

You can tell its under the glass... almost looks really dirty, and it strains my eye if i try to look at anything on the iMac under this thing...

I just bought this mac in June so its within a year.... any advice??

If it's an actual physical substance beneath the screen, then the only solution is to bring it in to Apple and let them fix it. I mean you could try to do it yourself, but that would probably be a very bad idea.
Here is a picture.... will apple fix something like this? im still under warranty..i didn't do anything to cause this that im aware of.


  • IMG_0162.JPG
    136.8 KB · Views: 299
Oh, dude, no question, bring that in to Apple. I have a hard time seeing them rejecting your warrantee claim unless they can find evidence of some external liquid that got spilled into the machine's case.
weird thing is... i think its slooooowlly getting smaller... i definitely didn't spill anything on it...its on a table with no contact of liquids.... just annoying im going to have to transfer all of my files.... or get an ext hard drive i guess....

anyway theyll let me exchange this for a macbook?? i wish
Well you can definitely take it off and explore a bit. Clean it off. You just need suction cups because it is held on by magnets. You'll probably also need compressed air to minimize dust settling on it.

I've heard about this issue in the past. You may want to do a search for the thread on MR.
i think its slooooowlly getting smaller...

That's a dangerous game to play. It mysteriously appeared, now it's mysteriously disappearing, and your Apple warrantee is almost expired. Bring it in now to at least put your claim in and get the machine evaluated. That way even if they don't do anything to fix the problem now, if the problem reappears again after your warrantee has expired then you will still have a very good chance of getting the machine fixed because you registered your complaint with them while the warrantee was still active.

just annoying im going to have to transfer all of my files.... or get an ext hard drive i guess....

You really really really REALLY should have a backup in place anyway. So maybe this is the perfect motivation for you to get your butt covered for the eventual hard drive crash that IS coming at some point in the future. Absolutely all hard drives die sooner or later, it's just a matter of when.

anyway theyll let me exchange this for a macbook?? i wish

Doubtful, but it couldn't hurt to ask. Stranger things have happened.
thanks for all your help guys... i appreciate it... this is my first mac and have no idea about the hardware...not gonna open it up..i guess ill have to bring it in...thanks again
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