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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 31, 2009
Has anyone had this problem?

I have a (reletively) new iMac purchased in Nov. 27" 3.06 Ghz 4 GB Ram. The machine sleeps on it's own overnight from non use and then when i get up in the morning I click the mouse and I hear the machine waking up, (harddirve, cd-rom, etc.) but the screen stays blank. This happens in OSX and Win7 doen't matter what OS is running so it appears to be a hardware issue. Maybe there is a firm ware update, or somthing. To use the machine at that point, my only option is to force the machine to shutdown and then reboot. If I reboot to fast, meaning if I don't wait about 5-10 seconds after the shutdown, then the machine proceeds to boot but without any visuals, the screen stays blank.

Should I just take the system back to the apple store? Will they grab the current image and put it on a new machine...
Will they grab the current image and put it on a new machine...

Nope. You will need to image your system or back it up with Time Machine/Capsule or something.

Also, I've had the same issue with my Macbook over the tends to happen infrequently. Maybe searching the Macbook forums for this issue will turn up a resolution for the iMac.

Relevant links:

Macbook Pro won't wake out of sleep? - Mac Forums
Macbook Pro won't wake from sleep. - Mac Forums
MacBook Pro Wake-up-from-sleep Issue? - Mac Forums search of the issue on MacRumors

Possible workaround: turn off hibernation or turn off your machine when you're not using may as well, since you have to reboot it to recover from the hibernation/wakeup attempt.
Thanks for the response. You're right I might as well shut it down.
Curious, are you using the wireless keyboard/mouse? I think these go through the Bluetooth connection and this is what might be causing the problem. I think I read a few threads on this forum that the Bluetooth is having some trouble waking from sleep mode. Either transition to a wired keyboard solution, or try a USB mouse (any cheap mouse will do, it doesn't have to be an Apple one) and see if that works.

So, go into your System Preferences -> Bluetooth and make sure "Allow Bluetooth Device to Wake Computer from Standby" is checked off.

If it's grayed out, it sounds like you may have to delete your bluetooth preferences .plist file and restart.

And after that, see if there's any updates you can do. Seems like this is an issue happening after people download the 001 Security Update.

Then, most importantly, come back here and post if it worked (or not) so we know to use it in the future!
The OP also didn't say that they tried to reset the SMC/PRAM. I would suggest trying this before bringing it to a Genius or reinstalling the OS.
The only way to know for sure is to get the machine up on a technician’s bench. My suspicion is based on a couple things. Searching through Macintosh forums people who have had similar issues have had them resolved by having the power supply replaced. Secondly, I spoke to an Apple technician who said they used to see similar issues on the white iMac’s. The technician said it usually came down to being a bad power supply unit. It’s my understanding that the new 27” iMacs actually have 2 power supplies in them. So there’s a slightly bigger chance of one of them having issues. That’s my 2 cents at least.

I don't think many people in that thread are experiencing power supply failure issues. They're experiencing the same issues as the OP from this thread but I don't think anyone has proven that this is a PS issue across the board...maybe you saw something in that thread that I didn't?
Searching through Macintosh forums people who have had similar issues have had them resolved by having the power supply replaced.

Not in the search results that I saw. For the latest gen iMac, things are definitely inconclusive. I don't believe I saw even one person stating that a Genius concluded that it was a power supply.

Secondly, I spoke to an Apple technician who said they used to see similar issues on the white iMac’s. The technician said it usually came down to being a bad power supply unit. It’s my understanding that the new 27” iMacs actually have 2 power supplies in them. So there’s a slightly bigger chance of one of them having issues. That’s my 2 cents at least.

I've actually seen several fixes, which are documented in the links I provided in my first post in this thread...none of those suggest PS issues. I've had this issue occur once with my new iMac but it has only happened once. In my experience, the issue hasn't happened enough to my machine to determine that it's a PS issue, as in most cases, it wakes up. Also, this issue appears to have affected many Mac products, from iMacs, to Mac Pros, to Macbooks. It almost seems like we're talking about two different issues.

Can you supply a link to where you've gleaned this information about the PS? Something other than what you already provided? I'd posted to that thread a few days ago. I read it and don't remember a consensus being determined as a PS issue.


OK, out of that whole thread, there was one guy who mentioned a fix by Apple:, from Hark2604. He also mentions that the PS, motherboard and graphics card needed to be replaced. It could've been any three of those, per his post. Some people are reinstalling OS X and not having any further issues. Some people are removing widgets and fixing the issue. Most people are stating that the the computer wakes up...its just the screen that won't light up. Someone even verified this by attaching another monitor and was able to see the user interface. Some are fixing the issue by removing peripherals such as USB hubs. Some think rogue files from third-party software may be the culprit. Some are suggesting it only begun to happen around late January, suggesting that it could be something wrong with a recent patch or something that was installed by that user at that time. Some are saying that is has been occurring since the G5 era. One guy has 6 iMac with two of those being i7s and only one of them are having issues. One guy's machine went to sleep and never woke back totally died.

Most of the above could be several different similar but unrelated issues. Kinda hard to determine what's what in that thread. I know for a fact though that all of that isn't related to PS issues. There are too many variables and some people have stated that they fixed their issues by either removing hardware connections or reinstalling the OS...those aren't PS issues.

I think the PS conclusion is premature.
I agree there might be couple different issues going on here. However, I had the same exact issue as listed below. I wiped and reloaded OS 10.6.2 three times and the issue kept coming back. My machine did not have anything plugged into the USB ports. I even purchased a UPS in case it was related the power coming into my house. This blackout happened to me 7 times in a 13 day period. I called Apple Care and the 1st tier person said "Oh, we have been told to escalate this issue" and she immediately transferred me to a senior techician. If this issue happened once or twice a month, I wouldn't worry about it. If it happens every other day I would be on the phone with Apple Care.

The person who started this thread said this issue happens in Windows 7 and Mac OS 10.6.2. I've used six other iMacs at work and never seen this issue. I'll agree with you that it might or might not be related to the powersupply. However, I do not think it's simply a software issue. My suggestion is to open up a support case with Apple ASAP. At least your issue will be on record.

Has anyone had this problem?

This happens in OSX and Win7 doen't matter what OS is running so it appears to be a hardware issue. Maybe there is a firm ware update, or somthing. If I reboot to fast, meaning if I don't wait about 5-10 seconds after the shutdown, then the machine proceeds to boot but without any visuals, the screen stays blank.
Thanks guys for all of the support!!

I have been looking through the links you provided. The guy with the I5 has a similar system to mine apart from his chip, so unfortunately we may share the same fate, as even his new machine is having the same issue. (Hark2604-

All the links say that the machine did not wake up at all. They may have missed the fact that it was just the screen OR for their situations it really did not wake up at all...this may be easy to miss on a laptop provided the system is relatively quite, as a blank screen would alway give the impression that is did not wake at all. I know for a fact that my machine was actually running (all but the screen) because as a test (while in windows) I typed my password, hit enter, and I heard the sound that is made upon login to Win7.

When I find out what the issue is I will post it. For now I will be looking for a .5 - 1 Terabyte drive to back up my machine to. I will test the bluetooth thing by plugging in my USB mouse and moving that after I have moved the Magic Mouse and typed on the keyboard. I see if the screen decides to kick in.

Thanks again!
UPDATE: This problem may have nothing to do with waking or sleeping

UPDATE: This problem may have nothing to do with waking or sleeping of screen.

I just start my machine, which was shutdown all night, and experienced the blank screen issue. The first and second time I started the machine the screen stayed blank but the system proceeded to boot. I heard the sound that always fires when the machine is powered up but there was no white splash screen. I did not wait around to see if the OS loaded. I immediately shut the system down when I did not see the white screen both times.

The third time was a charm and the machine booted normally and the screen was fine.

This has to be a hardware issue. But I can't take it to Apple until I backup the system.

Just wanted to update the thread with this new tidbit of information.

A software update has been released that is supposed to fix the wake from sleep issue. I applied it 2 days ago but I don't know if this fixes the issue, as it only happened once to me. I guess we'll find out over the next week or two if this solves the issue.
I am having the same screen power-on issue on my brand new i5. I've basically narrowed it down and have gotten it to repeat itself (if I have the screen sleep longer than 30 minutes or so I cant get it to come back on when I move the mouse).

I have an external display attached that powers up instantly when I move any of my input devices though so I know the computer is on.

I guess I should take it back to the apple store as I initially thought it could be fixed by a software update of some type.
I am having the same screen power-on issue on my brand new i5. I've basically narrowed it down and have gotten it to repeat itself (if I have the screen sleep longer than 30 minutes or so I cant get it to come back on when I move the mouse).

I have an external display attached that powers up instantly when I move any of my input devices though so I know the computer is on.

I guess I should take it back to the apple store as I initially thought it could be fixed by a software update of some type.

Apply the latest updates before you take it back:
"improve sleep and wake reliability when using Bonjour wake on demand"

One thing I've noticed right off the bat after the software update was that my machine doesn't sleep anymore (no having to press a keyboard key to wake the computer up). I'll check the power settings to see if anything's would suck (and not address the issue) if all they did was turn off sleeping.
Issue Appears To Be Fixed!!

So the same day that I took the iMac back to the apple store a fix was released. That was yesterday, April 16th. On the 15th they put out an update that appeared to prevent the machine (at least mine) from sleeping on it own. I woke up on the 16th and the screen savers were still going. That update may have addressed the issue partially. I packed the machine up to take back early that morning and when I got it to the Apple store, after work at 5:15, not only could I not recreate the problem (same issue I've had since last month) but there was a 27" Screen Firmware update available to download and install. So we did that right there at the Apple store.

So I looked like an ass but my $1700 investment is as good as new. The universe balances itself.
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