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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 16, 2008
I recently purchased and installed Leopard on my iMac G5 because I was running on an older operating system (Tiger? 10.3 I think...). I upgraded so that my computer would work with my new iPod touch. However, now my computer is making strange noises periodically, and if left on for several hours, the computer makes horrible noises and eventually shuts off. Any suggestions? My iMac is a few years old.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
did you just do an upgrade or what type of install did you do? upgrades have been tending to have more problems. it also could be the power supply going out, check here to see if yours is covered under apple's repair extension.
I already checked to see if I was covered under the apple repair extension. My computer did qualify for the repair extension on power and video, but not for the power supply issues extension.

I think the software is covered under a 90 day warranty so I'll give them a call tomorrow.

Do you feel that my iMac can handle Leopard? I purchased it soon after the iMac G5's came out (mine doesn't have the camera). Some friends have told me that older Macs often have issues with the updated software.
Your iMac can handle Leopard fine as it is well above the minimum requirements, so I'm not sure what is causing it to shut down, unless you did an upgrade instead of a clean install, which if that is the case I qould recommend trying again with a clean install. Otherwise I have no clue what is going on with your computer.
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