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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Dec 20, 2008
London, UK
Sorry, I know there are loads of threads on sleep problems, but I can't find any that relate specifically to my problem.

I have an early 2009 iMac with a Western Digital MyBook Home hard drive connected via FireWire, using Time Machine.

I can put my iMac to sleep manually and it will stay asleep, but it won't go to sleep after the set time (1 hour). I have discovered that the MyBook is the problem (if I switch it off, the iMac will sleep after 1 hour).

Can anyone help?

Many thanks in advance. :)
Have you updated to 10.6.3? It's probably a bug in its driver so only way to get it sleep is to unplug it. 10.6.3 is said to fix many USB devices so download and install it
Yep, I have 10.6.3. Thinking about just getting a Time Capsule. :cool:

But I would still like to solve this if possible!
Just had a look on the WD site to see if there are any updates. I have the latest WD Drive Manager. I wasn't using the TURBO+ drivers, so I've installed these and I'll see if that helps at all. If not, I guess I could also try connecting via USB instead of FireWire.
Okay, so the +TURBO drivers had no effect. They got uninstalled.

I switched to USB and that seems to have solved the issue.
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