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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Oct 29, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
The new iMac will be my first Mac, and I don't know how new products being released are handled. If a new iMac is released tomorrow, when will it be in stores? Also do iMacs have a high possibility of being sold out? And if there is a high chance of them being sold out would buying them online be any different?
AND if they do get sold out, typically how much longer will it be until more are in stock?

Sorry for all the questions but I'm curious and excited for tomorrow and my move to the dark side. :)

Well I'm coming from a position where I used windows religiously so for me it is the "dark side" :)

You are coming into the light. You'll understand once you come over.

As for supplies, new/updated products are typically available online and at Apple stores immediately after the keynote is finished. Something like an iMac isn't likely to sell out at the stores straight away, and online supplies will be plentiful. I wouldn't stress too much about it.

You might also consider a refurbished iMac. You get a very good price break on these, especially when a new range is announced as they are looking to clear the inventory of the superseded refurbs to make way for refurbs of the new model. They are literally as good as new, albeit with literally yesterday's specifications.

My last Mac was a refurb. It comes in all the original packaging and was indistinguishable from a new machine. It comes with a full, as new, warranty.

For example, a 24" 2.8GHz Core 2 Duo refurbed iMac costs (today - before any model updates) $1,550, whereas the same model new is $1,800. That's about 15% off on a like-for-like basis. After tomorrow's keynote, you can expect the refurb price to drop. If you really think you're going to need the speed bump from a 3+GHz chip, then you have no option. But unless you're going to be doing the visual effects for the next Dark Knight movie, you can get a great machine at a great price with a refurb.
They dont sell out, but lately with apple they are not in stores the same day.

If they were going to be in stores, we would have already heard of shipments coming in.

my 2 cents.
In most cases the MacBook didn't even sell out.

Ok that's good then

You are coming into the light. You'll understand once you come over.

As for supplies, new/updated products are typically available online and at Apple stores immediately after the keynote is finished. Something like an iMac isn't likely to sell out at the stores straight away, and online supplies will be plentiful. I wouldn't stress too much about it.

You might also consider a refurbished iMac. You get a very good price break on these, especially when a new range is announced as they are looking to clear the inventory of the superseded refurbs to make way for refurbs of the new model. They are literally as good as new, albeit with literally yesterday's specifications.

My last Mac was a refurb. It comes in all the original packaging and was indistinguishable from a new machine. It comes with a full, as new, warranty.

For example, a 24" 2.8GHz Core 2 Duo refurbed iMac costs (today - before any model updates) $1,550, whereas the same model new is $1,800. That's about 15% off on a like-for-like basis. After tomorrow's keynote, you can expect the refurb price to drop. If you really think you're going to need the speed bump from a 3+GHz chip, then you have no option. But unless you're going to be doing the visual effects for the next Dark Knight movie, you can get a great machine at a great price with a refurb.

Ya, but I would like to to some gaming as well as 3D Cad, So I would like to get the newest iMac just for sake of graphics.

edit: just saw your post tMac85, when do you think they'd be in the Apple stores then?
Ok that's good then

Ya, but I would like to to some gaming as well as 3D Cad, So I would like to get the newest iMac just for sake of graphics.

edit: just saw your post tMac85, when do you think they'd be in the Apple stores then?

i would guess sometimes 2 3 days later. it really depends. probably the next day.

the macbooks were a HUGE deal so i can see them trying to keep things hush hush.

mac mini. not so much. so probably the next day. if not the same day, but later in the afternoon.

Apple is really having a hard time keeping their secrets to themselves, so i think they are going above and beyond to keep releases a surprise.
If a new iMac is released tomorrow, when will it be in stores? Also do iMacs have a high possibility of being sold out? And if there is a high chance of them being sold out would buying them online be any different?
AND if they do get sold out, typically how much longer will it be until more are in stock?

Thanks for asking this, I just got on to start the same thread. I've been waiting for months for this probable release, and now that they are coming out I will be on a movie set all day tomorrow, so I was hoping that they will still be available... I have like 5 sites sending updates to my phone through twitter so I'll know asap
About these refurbs, can you still have apple deck them out with extra memory and such or do you basically have to take what's in the box. Also, do you still get educational discounts on them?
About these refurbs, can you still have apple deck them out with extra memory and such or do you basically have to take what's in the box. Also, do you still get educational discounts on them?

What they advertise is one of the 4 base models, but sometimes you get more with it... Kinda a nice surprise.

No, you don't get an educational discount

And one last thing, don't ever buy ram from apple, its way overpriced, and its so simple to do yourself. Save yourself $100 and buy and install your own ram
^^? says who?

Sell outs usually aren't a problem. An iMac =/= iPhone.
id wait til february if you can, big chance of a 28 inch model imac coming out

IF a 28" model was to come out, they would be released (or at least announced) today (it's tuesday in UK :D) along with the rest of the iMacs, but this is highly doubtful due to the poor resolution in the 28" panels.
haha. This thread went from normal, simple question, to crazy, ridiculous, confusing thread .

way to go guys. freak out the newbies
Good times, the apple online store is down updating their site.

Excitement builds for those of us waiting to buy our first Mac's.
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