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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 3, 2009
Just got my brand-new 24-inch iMac yesterday, unpacked it and hooked it all up last night (2.93 Ghz, Nvidia120 card). First off, absolutely beautiful computer.

But... I'm already noticing a loud "pop" from the speakers on occasion. In doing a little research, I've seen where others have had this problem, but mostly with external speakers.

Mine is with the built-in speakers. Seems to happen when I open a movie or sound file --- and only when one hasn't been opened in the last few minutes. I get a fairly loud "pop" upon opening the file, then everything's fine. If I immediately open another movie or audio file, I don't get a repeat of the pop, but if I wait, say, 5 minutes before opening another movie or audio file, I get the pop again.

Is this a common problem? Am I gonna have to box this sucker back up and take it in? This is brand-new out of the box --- no peripherals hooked up (other than cable modem) and no software installed that didn't come on it.
Had that with my MacBook Pro. Got it exchanged and hasn't happened since. If you do a search, I think there is an application to stop it but I don't know how well it works. Up to you if you want to keep it or get an exchange.
Was kinda hoping there was some simple patch I wasn't aware of. I'll probably give tech support a call and see what they say. Such a pain to have to get something brand-new fixed.
Was kinda hoping there was some simple patch I wasn't aware of. I'll probably give tech support a call and see what they say. Such a pain to have to get something brand-new fixed.

If you're going to get annoyed with it, just go for an exchange. Chances are, tech. support is going to say it's normal or some other BS. No need to get it fixed, 14-day policy is your friend. ;)
Update: I called Apple Care. The tech asked me to zap the PRAM. Then she asked me to play a video. The pop was loud enough for her to hear it over the phone. Soon as she heard the pop, she told me to take it back to the Apple Store.

Hopefully, my replacement won't have the same problem.
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