My $0.02: Very stable
I am considering buying an iMac, after coming from windows. Lately I've noticed many threads dealing with crashes, or loosing apps, or kernel crashes, which the response has been "just re-start". This sounds like windows all over again.
Is this common, or rare
As a point of reference, I bought a refurbed 20" G5 iMac about 4.5 years ago
(when it had known power supply and graphics problems) - never had any
problems until about 2.5 years into my AppleCare. In the space of 2 weeks,
both the power supply and the 250GB hard drive were replaced. Kept this
system until it was 4 years old, then sold it. Never had any OS or app issues
except for some that I caused. And I kept the system on 24x7 (except for
putting it to sleep at night) for most of that 4 years. Plus, went through a
few major releases of OS X with no problems.
Then, 4 months ago, I bought a refurbed 24" 3.06GHz Intel iMac. Again,
no issues whatsoever, and again running 24x7. I will say I had some OS
and app difficulties in the early days, but they were caused by my
inexperience in migrating G5 apps to the new Intel environment. Once I did
a clean OS install and put on current Intel versions of my apps, there have
been no problems, even with the switch to Safari 4. I did have to replace an
Airport card about a month into it, but that's it.
My usage includes daily use of the usual Mail/iCal/AddressBook/Firefox, as
well as various Office things (MS, Neo, OpenOffice) and scanner and web
site tools. And 3-4 times a week, I fire up VMware with XP Pro and/or
Windows 7 RC. All of this running simultaneously in 4GB RAM.
Never a problem, and the only reboots are those required by installation of
new software or upgrades.
Compare this to my wife's PC: many viruses and stuff, general system
problems and instability - and she only used it for e-mail, web stuff, and
connecting to her office remotely.
Give me my refurbed iMacs any day . . .
Of course, YMMV . . .