i had my share of problems with the imac. switched from windows on November 2007. i loved the os since the first day and gaming isn't my thing anyway. disappointingly, the hardware is really unreliable. not only that the specs of imac is below avg for the basic model compared to other computers of the same generation, the hardware fails a lot too. i personally sent my imac to the store 3 times within a period of 2 months. it was a graphic card change at first, then they changed the motherboard. the annoying thing is, everytime i send it, it solves 1 problem, but creates another that's even more detrimental than the previous one. and guess what, i'll have to send it in again tomorrow which adds up to 24 days of no use of the imac. i'm lucky enough to still be covered by warranty. definitely i'll have to get applecare.
by the way, under what circumstances will they replace 1 to 1? i have lost confidence in them up to the point i'm expecting another disappointment when i pick up my imac again. seriously, after so many failed attempts, they should just give me a new imac.