Hello everyone long time since i've posted in here. Anyway just this weekend after several exchanges of cables thanks to newegg I finally got the correct adapter that successfully connected my imac to my 40 inch hdtv and its wonderful! With netflix, hulu's new desktop app, mlb.tv and countless other streaming media websites I may cancel my basic cable service. However i'm a little bit concerned about something regarding this and maybe i'm just being paranoid but I thought i'd see what everyone had to say about this. Now I realized going into this that i'm running two devices at once potentially for several hours at a time and using anything is going to shorten its lifespan. Basically what I want to know is...by having this setup am I going to dramatically shorten the lifespan of my mac? I mean should I just save up some money and look into getting a mac mini or some sortof dedicated htpc setup? I mean really I don't see myself using this for more then...3 hours tops a day but coupled with web browsing among other activities that adds up quickly to my daily usage of my computer.