Hello I hope that someone can help me with my dilemma.
I Have 4 HDTV's setup in my lobby and purchased a new Imac to run a keynote presentation and background music. I setup up the following:
Imac mini display to HDMI
HDMI to 1x4 splitter / amp
2 50' HDMI cables to 2 tv's
2 100' HDMI cables to 2 tv's
I noticed that the more graphically intense my presentation that I would get a momentary cutout in signal for 1-2 seconds.
I spoke with a "professional A/V Tech" at an online retailer and he suggested that I test it with my bluray player to see if it was the mac. I got the same results so he suggested I purchase HDMI powered repeaters to go at the end of my TV's. I have and I still have the same problem.
1. I have recently been told that HDMI wasn't intended for the setup I have.
2. I should have used component out to my TV's instead.
Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Thanks in advance.
I Have 4 HDTV's setup in my lobby and purchased a new Imac to run a keynote presentation and background music. I setup up the following:
Imac mini display to HDMI
HDMI to 1x4 splitter / amp
2 50' HDMI cables to 2 tv's
2 100' HDMI cables to 2 tv's
I noticed that the more graphically intense my presentation that I would get a momentary cutout in signal for 1-2 seconds.
I spoke with a "professional A/V Tech" at an online retailer and he suggested that I test it with my bluray player to see if it was the mac. I got the same results so he suggested I purchase HDMI powered repeaters to go at the end of my TV's. I have and I still have the same problem.
1. I have recently been told that HDMI wasn't intended for the setup I have.
2. I should have used component out to my TV's instead.
Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Thanks in advance.