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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 11, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
hey guys, yesterday i posted about my hot imac, and now with a bit of hard work its even hotter.. here are some istat stats
all measurements are in celcius
GPU diode 71C
GPU heatsink 70C
Ambient 29C
Memory control 60C
Airport Card 70C
HD bay 1 58C

thanks for you advice guys!
Memory control 60C
Airport Card 70C
HD bay 1 58C

Don't know 'bout the GPU, it's probably designed to take some heat, but the other temps
seem awfully high. Most HD's have a maximum operating temp of 55C-60C -- so 58C is
reason for real concern. Commercial-grade ICs are also typically spec'd for 60C max.

Are the fans running near full speed? If not, have you tried smcFanControl?
(I didn't catch your earlier posting.)

Ambient 29C

...ouch! and it's only springtime down under,

I see your ambient is at 29C and that's HOT.

Granted it's early winter here in Japan so my ambient is right around 19-20c but my other temps are about half of yours.


CPU A: 33c
GPU: 45c
GPU Diode: 45c
GPU Heatsink: 44c

Even in the summer here I wasn't running at your temps and my room got awfully hot as well, sometimes topping 30c.

What does iStat read for your fan speeds?

Here's what I'm getting:

CPU Fan: 1199 rpm
Hard Drive: 1198 rpm
Optical Drive: 698 rpm
I think you need a little hatch on the back to shovel in the dry ice!!

Seriously though, is your ambient temp really 29C or is your machine in an enclosed space where it is perhaps breathing in its own exhaust? As you are probably aware the iMac takes in cool air at the bottom and circulates it partially by convection and pertially by fan up and out at the slot on the back cover. If you have the machine boxed in (not uncommon) then the hot air might be circulating back underneath and into the inlet again.

Check if ambient really is 29C using a thermometer if possible and/or try siting the machine on a table in the middle of the room and see if temps drop.

Failing that I would try to get a statement from apple as to what the maximum ambient temperature should be for the iMac to ensure that you are not in breach of your warranty. Most computer server equipment that I have come across usually has a max ambient temp of around 30C but even then most servers are kept in an air conditioned room. I've never seen an ambient limit for domestic equipment.

If they say that 29C ambient is okay then you can ask them if the other temps are acceptable.

Hope this helps,
and now with a bit of hard work its even hotter..

Your temps are nothing to worry about, and obviously they're going to rocket under heavy load.

My old PC used to have an ambient temp of 40C under load and a CPU temp of 70.

Some people love to keep checking their temperatures and worry for the sake of it. If it was a home built PC experiencing freezes, then fair enough.
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