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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 21, 2006
Ok I was all set to get the 20 inch imac when the new processor came out. But they gone and given me the 24 inch option now! It seems to be about an extra £300. I'm sure it would be nice but do people realy think it's worth the extra money? The graphics card seems to be different, is that a better one too, I will upgrade it to 256Mb regardless of 20 or 24.

Also is the extra procssoing power do people think worth it, it seems a lot to add when from my experience it is not somehting you notice so much say compared to adding extra ram and such.
Go for the 24", love that huge screen. Just about to order mine. The gfx card is actually quite good - for apple. Will also upgrade to the 9600 256meg it is a big step up. Wireless kbd and MM completes my order.

Side note, the memory upgrade info states that you can choose 1gig on 1 stick for future easy upgrade but I can not find this option.

Who wants to buy my eMac?
If you split up the difference in price over 3 years, don't you think it's worth it
to have all that extra real estate?

Quit going to Starbucks and you're covered.

Oh thank heaven for 7/11
Please forgive me, I just got up here in East Coast US and now I'm seeing posts about the 24" having an upgradable gfx card? How on earth did anyone figure that out?
go with the 24"! my philosophy when it comes to electronics (especially computers, but also peripherals) is get what you want not what you think you can live with. of course the 20" would be fine but why not take your computing experience to the max!
DavidLeblond said:
Please forgive me, I just got up here in East Coast US and now I'm seeing posts about the 24" having an upgradable gfx card? How on earth did anyone figure that out?

ditto. i dont see that either. upgradable RAM and video card moves this way up the chart for me.
All I can find about upgradable video cards in the iMac threads is one or two people saying "the 24" has an upgradable video card!"

I'll believe it when I see it. :p
24" benefits over 20":
24 W digitally amped speakers (other models only have 12 W).
Better GPU (and can be upgraded to even better).
Larger screen with 1080p capability.
VESA mount possibility.

I'd get the 24" over the 20" if I could afford it, but if I were to buy an iMac right now, my funds would limit me to a 20"...
I'm interested in the upgrade ability of the GPU in the 24". When you say it can be upgraded do you mean from the stock 7300 to the 7600 or do you mean you can pull out whatever is in there and replace it with a 7900 or a 1900XT?
I think all the talk about upgrading the GPU are all people guessing based on the fact that there are 2 models of gfx card available to the BTO 24", instead of just the memory boost that the 20" can get.

Therefore, no one will REALLY know until someone GETS one. Stating it as fact is misleading.

I just paid for my 20", and I don't think I'll miss the extra 4" of real estate.
FFTT said:
If you split up the difference in price over 3 years, don't you think it's worth it
to have all that extra real estate?

yeah but your forgetting that nobody on these forums seems to keep a machine for more than a year because it's "obsolete" after that :rolleyes:
That's not how it works.

You buy the maxed out 24" iMac this year and then a maxed out Santa Rosa/Leopard MBP as soon as you can scrape together the cash :D

Then you plod along through 2008 until they release the Quad Core Mac Pro Ultima

Then you cry the blues when they release the Octa Core MacBook. ;)
People are saying that the GPU on the 24 inch imac is upgradeable based on:

1. The fact the Apple is offering an upgrade option shows that it is possible.

2. According to a poster on ArsTechnica the 24" repair manual shows that the 7300 and 7600 are replacable PCI-E laptop cards rather than the soldered kind found in the 17/20.

Link is below:

Most of the way down the page, looking at the 24" service manual.

Time will tell if this is true or not, but if it is true, it would greatly increase the value of the 24 inch iMac given that the processor is also upgradeable.
Oh one more thing is it really worth the extra amount for the 2.3 processor. What's that like around an extra 400Mhz more? I can't see I am going to really notice that much. Not like if I upgraded the ram.
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