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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 22, 2006
I'm very close to buying a brand new 20" iMac, but would consider waiting an extra month (or maybe two) if an update was in the imminent future. Anyone heard any rumors or have any advice?
If there was an update in the immediate future, we would be hearing about the current models being EOL'd (End of Life'd) at retailers, which hasn't happened. Since the next big Apple event (the WWDC) is aimed at the Pro crowd, I wouldn't expect and iMac update there as it's a consumer machine. Much more likely date for faster iMacs is Apple Expo Paris in September, but that's me only guessing based on past events.

Of course, all the above is based on the old way of thinking. Now Apple have moved to Intel processors we could see more frequent processor speed-bumps, but apart from a slightly faster processor the machine will be pretty much the same as before in these cases (taking the MacBook Pro as the example). The thing is, if you keep putting it off you will wait forever. If you can wait until September do, otherwise you may as well buy it today.
I'm expecting a CPU bump in June/July. I don't expect much else. You might be lucky and get some more hard drive capacity.
I was actually wondering this question too as I was hoping that I would be able to pick up a 2GHz Core Duo 17 incher vs. the 1.83GHz in the current models.
I am going to say their will be no iMac update until merom comes out in August / September...

I think apples big focus now is perfecting the new "powermacs" or whatever they will be called. Personally I am hoping for "Macintosh Professional"

This is just one Apple store and one guy, but apaprently the local store near me doesnt' have any of the 256MB VRAM iMacs in and they have no idea if/when they ever will get anymore. THey said they aren't expecting any shipments of iMacs in for awhile and they're running low.
BadgerMac, you're implying that possibly this store will be getting a newer model iMac? Or they are just going to discontinue the 256MB VRAM iMac?
Caitlyn said:
BadgerMac, you're implying that possibly this store will be getting a newer model iMac? Or they are just going to discontinue the 256MB VRAM iMac?

I'm not implying anything, since I have no inside sources and no inside information. Could be just a shortage of parts, ot a lack of interest from consumers for the model and thus less inventory in stores, could be a product change, who knows. Just brought it up so when they do change it I can claim I Had the heads up ;) LOL
Hey Badger did you get my PM?

BadgerMac said:
I'm not implying anything, since I have no inside sources and no inside information. Could be just a shortage of parts, ot a lack of interest from consumers for the model and thus less inventory in stores, could be a product change, who knows. Just brought it up so when they do change it I can claim I Had the heads up ;) LOL
I think you should wait till mid July if you can, that's what I've decided to do. Better safe than sorry.. ;)
I'm waiting to get a 20" imac to replace my aging ibook G4. Althought I'm tempted to wait until OS 10.5. Is it around Jan next year? I'm think the processor will be something special by then too.
I don't think anything is going to happen in July. The Macbook line and the iMac line run parallel. Since the Macbook just came out, I don't see the iMac getting an update, until Merom that is.

Some are saying that since the MBP was bumped the iMac might get a bump as well, however the iMac is a not a "pro" computer. As someone in here said, the focus will be the MacPro. Once Merom is out full force we will see an update.

I think the way things are right now will continue to stay that way until Merom.

Even so, I think I am going to go for the current iMac because:
1: I need a new computer, since I sold my Powerbook G4
2: I don't want a MB because they aren't really looking appealing, I will wait to til the next Rev.
3: Many sources point to the ability to upgrade the current Mac Mini and iMac to a Merom in the future.
Just ordered a 17" iMac TODAY.

The only thing I'd be narked about is if they're about to shrink the casing size. ie make the whole thing slimmer/smaller.

Oh well. Cheque's in the post so too late for me.
irishgrizzly said:
I'm waiting to get a 20" imac to replace my aging ibook G4. Althought I'm tempted to wait until OS 10.5. Is it around Jan next year? I'm think the processor will be something special by then too.

My situation exactly. If we hear during the summer than Leopard will be out by January, then I'm gonna wait because it will save me money on the new OS.
kevin.rivers said:
Some are saying that since the MBP was bumped the iMac might get a bump as well, however the iMac is a not a "pro" computer. As someone in here said, the focus will be the MacPro. Once Merom is out full force we will see an update.

While it may not be a "pro" computer, in the past it had higher speeds than the powerbooks(macbookpros) but a lot of that probably had to do with the fact that they could fit a G5 in the iMac enclosure and not a laptop. I've also always thought that powerbooks(macbookpro) = iMacs and ibooks(macbooks) = mac mini when it comes to the computers technical specs. Who knows, maybe that whole mentality is changing now? I'm personally going to buy an iMac in the very near future and I keep on hoping that there will be a processor update before I make the purchase. *crosses fingers*
I'm in the same boat. My office is buying my whole rig this week and I'm looking to get an iMac to replace it. However, updates seem to at least be on the horizon. Even though there's been no EOL update yet on current models, I tend to think we'll see updates sooner than later. Hopefully June/July?

Here's the thing - since the 20" iMac was announced we've seen updates approx. every 5-6 months. I'm not sure if Apple will stick with this, but their other consumer offerings (mac mini excluded) now come in black and white. How far behind can a black iMac be? That's what I'm holding out for - but I'm not sure I can wait.

On top of approaching the six month mark for the Intel iMac, the WWDC is in August and wouldn't it be great if the focus between August and January could be Leopard (possible iPod update not withstanding)? I think Apple will want to have their consumer ducks in a row before then. And that leaves Paris for new products or iPod updates.

I just know for sure if I buy an iMac tomorrow the updated version will come in black and ship next week. So to wait or not to wait? Aaaarggh - this has to be one of the worst times of the year to be looking at a new mac. Right smack dab in between January and August.
Black iMac? Bleh. I won't be buying it if they do that. The Black Macbook is hideous, in my opinion. I can deal with the iPod, but not my Macs. They may do it though, knowing they can make another $200 bucks on each Black one sold, and knowing that people will flock to them.

Even if they update, we will see 2.0Ghz, and 2.16Ghz. That is about it. That is not worth me waiting for a new computer. Besides I am not buying new anyway, either used or refurbished. So the updates don't apply to me.

As far as the product lines go, they are blurred at this point. The iMac takes some thing from the MBP and the MB. Namely the X1600 coming from the MBP and the CPU speeds coming from the MB.

I see it like this:
Mac mini - Low end/budget
MB/iMac - Middle
MBP/PowerMac - High end

Anyhow. If you need the computer now. Buy it now. If you can wait, wait. However if you are going to wait and they do update to faster cpu's, Merom is just around the corner why not just wait for that?

So you see, there will always be updates, look at those who the iMac G5 update :rolleyes:

Buying in Intel Mac is a solid bet as that is the future. You can't go wrong getting a current iMac. So again wait if you can, if not buy it now.
Well, for me the black iMac is more than just an aesthetic thing (besides the fact that it would match my creature speakers). I use a LaCie monitor at work - and the casing is dark, dark blue. I've really grown accustomed to the way the darker color allows me to focus on my work without the visual distraction of a frame of sorts around my monitor. My 20" Cinema (the one I'm selling) is perfect as well because the bezel is so thin. But the iMac has that big white frame - I'm sure I'd adjust, but I'd certainly prefer black. And many of you may not think it's a big deal - but like a trackball or a tablet, once you start using it, you don't go back.
Sorry to bump this thread. I found it via a Google search and it is relevant... :)

I've been saving up for a top of the line iMac 20" for months. And am getting pretty close to having enough to buy it.

I really really want to wait for the next update, but I don't know if I'm gonna be able to control my "impulse purchase" the second the final dollar hits my bank account. ;)

With my calculations I should have enough to buy it in about 2 months. (4 paychecks) So crossing fingers for a mid June/July update.
Well - updates be damned. I can't hold out, my iMac should be shipping any day now (hopefully it shipped Friday, but I've yet to receive a confirmation). Too much real work that needs to be done for me to wait for an update. Besides - as cool and aesthetically pleasing as a potential black iMac may be, I think all the white accessories would probably detract from some of the coolness. For those of you waiting for an update, I assure you it will likely be released very, very soon after I get my iMac unpacked and set up. :D
Waiting Waiting Waiting

seenew said:
I think you should wait till mid July if you can, that's what I've decided to do. Better safe than sorry.. ;)

Isn't that always the way though, you end up waiting an waiting just in case they give you a little CPU bump. This is of course coming from someone who is currently waiting for their 20" Imac duo 2.0ghz, 2 gb ram, 256 graphics and 500gb HD. I have been putting "taking the MAC plunge" off for months anyway. You have to bite the bullit sometime.

Does anyone have any ideas of the kind of performace that can be expected from Logic Pro on one of these bad boys?:D
SpecialGuessed said:
Isn't that always the way though, you end up waiting an waiting just in case they give you a little CPU bump.

Also I have read that the imac may receive the ATI RadeonXT, which is still 128 mb, but is by far a better chip, do these chips come down in price like the core chips do? I am also waiting till july, but once I get back from vacation I'm buying, its been a 4 month wait so its about time!
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