I am unsure whether to buy an imac or macbook pro. Leaving aside cost, screen size and portability issues, I was wondering how the performance would be on a 17 inch macbook pro core i5 (if I put in a new ssd) COMPARED with the standard current iMac i5 quad core. I usually have a lot of office/iwork docs open and would be using parallels with plenty of office 2007 docs (including ppoint) open in that as well, plus webpages, mail and very large excel files all at once! Also quite interested in gaming but not excessively! Obviously iMac better, but would an SSD and perhaps 8GB ram in macbook make the difference difficult to really notice day-to-day. I would be using my excellent 22 inch HP external monitor anyway.
Probably a very difficult one to assess, but any thoughts much appreciated.
Probably a very difficult one to assess, but any thoughts much appreciated.