I got my new 24" iMac ~2 weeks ago, and it's AMAZING compared to my MB... Except the fact that the computer will randomly wake up or start up in the middle of the night. The first night I had it home, it turned on 7 times! The next night, it did it once and I turned it off. It stayed off. The day after that, I turned it off when I went to bed. At 4 AM I hear "DONG!!!!!!!!" Ugh. I get up, and turn it off, only to have it start up at 5 AM. x_x I spent the next day looking for answers, I turned off wake for ethernet network something, and turned off screen sharing, quit all programs, and turned off the Airport card. Still, at 3 AM, it wakes me up. I turn put my jacket over it so I can get some sleep. I've been fighting it every night. I'm tired of it. Yesterday I reset the SMC and PRAM, and it still woke from sleep. WHAT CAN I DO?! I'm starting to go insane from waking up in the middle of the night. Would my next step be calling AppleCare? Is there anything that someone here can suggest? Thanks in advance.