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Original poster
Jun 14, 2014
Hello everyone.
Im starting to worry about my iMacs health.
It has less than a year and is starting to show really weird behaviours, being the main symptom a sudden mouse lag (like if when moving the pointer it looks like if jumping frames) that get worse to worst until it freezes the entire system being the restart as the first sight of it the only solution.
i thought this may be because the bluetooth mouse and stuff but no, it still happens with a cord mouse and the last time i try i saw it affect keyboard and other system abilities. I check the activity monitor and it was no stressful process running (less than 5% of cpu used) and around 7Gb of free ram. I check on the console expecting redundant issues or anything that could cause this kind of slow down but the console show everything fine, don't know whats going on.

This same mac suffer from a bug generated by apple software update months ago that locked the /tmp file on the system roots, leaving me no choice than deactivate SIP
More detailed info of that issue here

Thanks in advance for anyone that could give me a hand on this issue.


macrumors 6502
Apr 21, 2015
Have you already reset SMC and NVRAM? SMC in particular can cause some pretty notable performance issues.


Original poster
Jun 14, 2014
I did the NVRAM and nothing changed

I started tracking down anything since it started to happen and i suspect that the whole issue was related to SwitchResX, i uninstalled and haven't see any symptoms occur, gonna give it a week to see if it still happening
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