I have home a white imac intel purchased end of 2006.
Under 10.4.11 , wireless works juste fine. I have 6 or7 Mb/s download.
On the same wifi network I have a macbook pro running under 10.5.8, with comparable performance. Upload is what is expected fro both machines.
I installed 10.5.8 on an external USB2 hard disk for the white imac.
The wireless connection is dismal in performance. I cannot even load the internet page to measure network performance.
Download speed is practically zero
The imac works very well when connected with an Ethernet cable( this is how I installed 10.5.8).
I have tried to look in various forum and knowledge bases I find nothing.
I feel like I am the only person trying to use a white imac intel with wireless.
Clearly the good performance in 10.4.11 precludes a hardware problem.
To exclude problems related to my modelrouter( zyxel), I tried at work to use a wireless connection on a 20 " imac white of the same vintage, normally connected to the network through an Ethernet cable.
We have a huge bandwidth here ( >100MB/s on Ethernet)
On our wireless network (WPA),I tried my macbook pro and I have a download speed fo 20 MB/s.
On a one year old imac 24"(aluminum) i measure 10 MB/s download.
On my white intel imac 17", 300k/S. RODICULOUS!!
I wish apple would find the solution to this problem. It is frustrating to be obliged to run different operating systems for what is clearly some sort of bug ( software, ROM whatever...)
Under 10.4.11 , wireless works juste fine. I have 6 or7 Mb/s download.
On the same wifi network I have a macbook pro running under 10.5.8, with comparable performance. Upload is what is expected fro both machines.
I installed 10.5.8 on an external USB2 hard disk for the white imac.
The wireless connection is dismal in performance. I cannot even load the internet page to measure network performance.
Download speed is practically zero
The imac works very well when connected with an Ethernet cable( this is how I installed 10.5.8).
I have tried to look in various forum and knowledge bases I find nothing.
I feel like I am the only person trying to use a white imac intel with wireless.
Clearly the good performance in 10.4.11 precludes a hardware problem.
To exclude problems related to my modelrouter( zyxel), I tried at work to use a wireless connection on a 20 " imac white of the same vintage, normally connected to the network through an Ethernet cable.
We have a huge bandwidth here ( >100MB/s on Ethernet)
On our wireless network (WPA),I tried my macbook pro and I have a download speed fo 20 MB/s.
On a one year old imac 24"(aluminum) i measure 10 MB/s download.
On my white intel imac 17", 300k/S. RODICULOUS!!
I wish apple would find the solution to this problem. It is frustrating to be obliged to run different operating systems for what is clearly some sort of bug ( software, ROM whatever...)