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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 14, 2008
soo.... the new imac 21.5" doesn't fit on my desk. i bought an ikea computer desk that has shelves and a place for the monitor... these new widescreen imacs, don't fit while the old 20" did! ahhh... missing .3 of an inch... sigh... oh well
soo.... the new imac 21.5" doesn't fit on my desk. i bought an ikea computer desk that has shelves and a place for the monitor... these new widescreen imacs, don't fit while the old 20" did! ahhh... missing .3 of an inch... sigh... oh well

Bust out the belt sander, 0.15" on each side.
LOL - remember, you design your house/select furniture to fit your iMac, not the other way around.
LOL - remember, you design your house/select furniture to fit your iMac, not the other way around.

That for me, is currently a work in progress.

My computer desk simply isnt tall enough to allow the Imac to fit onto it. I realised this in advance though and have since bought wood, made a shelf and the varnish is now drying on it. It will raise the top shelf about 4 inches which will let the new imac sit on my desk juust nicely!!

I now just need the computer to arrive....
My computer desk simply isnt tall enough to allow the Imac to fit onto it.

What kind of a desk do you have?

i have this one.

and the spot you put your monitor is only 20.5" wide and the imac is 20.8"!!!!! omg...

I have that exact same one. I just took the whole top part off. Mounted the white board on the wall with the ragged side facing a corner. And made a shelf from the top piece with some brackets we had laying around. Gives me way more desk space and I can still use all of the pieces I originally bough, so I don't feel like I wasted my money. If you want some pictures i can post some.
Man...I have the other version of that desk. It's a little bit wider, but I know for sure the 27" that I plan on buying won't fit inside. We'll just have wait and see.

it's a shame they discontinued their Jerker line, You coud stick two 24 inch imacs side my side :)
You strike me as the kind of person that would try to put a square peg into a round hole.

So you're new, LARGER screen will not fit into an older, SMALLER hole.


So, let me post about this on the internet. Clearly, this will solve my problem.

Really? What did you hope to accomplish with this?
A simple, flat-topped "conference table" with folding legs (that you can buy at office-supply outlets) makes for the best "computer table".

One size fits all.

- John
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