Yellowing is going to be fixed no matter what you say. Do you have any idea how much it costs Apple to replace machines over and over again? Yellowing is not normal and if LG can't fix it, Apple will change the supplier. Unless you have proofs that Steve has said "Why would we fix the iMac's screen? People will buy it anyway"... Dell uses the same panel so the issue CAN and WILL be fixed if it hasn't been yet
Also, those returned screens will end up in a fair percentage of refurbs based upon some arbitrary spec tolerance. With so many being returned, it would be a HUGE loss for them to trash them. Some of the screens are "liveable with" or "aceptable", so they WILL invariably be put back into circulation as a refurb. If the next customer doesnt mind, then they've succeded.
As far as the panels DELL is selling, they are not plagued with the yellow tint issue. So, by deduction, it's inhrent in Apples design( LED BL'ing technology perhaps).
In the end, Apple has perpahs upset somecustomers, but they make it up in volume. They are much more popularthan yrs before. I attrbute thisto the iPhone helping to bridge PC users as well as the bootcamp ability. Their products are reaching a broader audience, buthtis comes at a cost. The cost is stretched R/D and resources. It's kind of like in college, where you do the least amount of work for the highest grade. Plotted along an X/Y chart. There's defiantely a curve whihc provides optimum profits for least amount of capital and expenditures.
The truth is, if Apple wantedto make an iMac which was defect-free, they could. Instead, they choose to play a statistical numbers game.
Theres a similar tale to be told from years ago in the U.S. concerning a car manufactured by Ford called the Pinto. Inthe early 70's, the US car makers were losing big to foreign imports like honda and Toyota. Small fuel efficent cars which were selling incredibly well. Ford decided it needed to compete and rushed out a design to manufacture. Lee Iococa headed it up and demande thatthe car be built to very tight specifications. It had to cost weigh and have certain fule efficiences. All thes requirements were shoehorned into the design. The assembly line was quickly built.
However, a lot of fatal car acccidents were attributed to this Ford Pinto. It was determined that a rear-end collision would crush the fuel tank, causing it to rupture and explode into a fire. Passngers were trapped inside and died. Their engineers determined that a part costing 50 cents or so, would solve the problem and prevent future accidents. A rubber piece inserted would be the diffrence between surving and dying in a fire. Ford actuaries determined that it would be cheaer to have people die in crashes, sue and pay out in settlements than to recall all the vehicles and retrofit them with a small rubber piece.
Anyway, Apple knows tat its more profitable to keep this marketing game going on then actually address the problem and use screen s which are of better quality. Appl is trying to pull a fast one. Theyre pulling the wool over your eyes. Many people are so brain-washed that they defend Apple and accept these defects as normal.