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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 3, 2009
hi. so today i called in to know when would i get my imac 27 replacement. they told me that a superior would be contacting me soon cause they found the issue not to be on the display but instead the cause of the yellow tinge was the graphics card itself. so i guess we all will be getting this finally worked out.
Until official note from Apple, we don't know the cause. The yellowing has happened in all Macs, with 9400M, 4670 and 4850 so I highly doubt that all of them are defective because 9400M is used lot in other Macs without problems and 4850 was used in early 2009 iMac as well and without yellowing.
hi. so today i called in to know when would i get my imac 27 replacement. they told me that a superior would be contacting me soon cause they found the issue not to be on the display but instead the cause of the yellow tinge was the graphics card itself. so i guess we all will be getting this finally worked out.

I highly doubt that the cause of the yellowing is the GFX card.
I agree. It would be very unusual for a graphics card to produce that type of yellowing inconsistently across a display, and differently on different displays.

so i guess the superiors from apple ONCE AGAIN are giving us false information!? :mad::confused:
so i guess the superiors from apple ONCE AGAIN are giving us false information!? :mad::confused:

I'm not sure how "superior" the person was who came up with that idea. If Apple has a problem in this area, it's generally a lack of communication rather than wrong information. There's been no official response from Apple about the cause as far as I know, other than the statement a few days ago that they are dealing with the various display issues in the new iMacs. I'm sure they'll come up with a solution, even if that means switching LCD vendors.
Wrong. A graphics card would not create this kind of lop-sided discoloration. No software patch will cure this either. Apple has lowered their standards. If you want an iMac, get used to having a yellow screen. Many have just acceptedthe fact that they ALL have yellow blotches. It is NOT going to be fixed. To think Apple is working to resolve this issue is fantasy. They are selling defective monitors because their QA has gone down (while profits rise, of course!). If you don't like a little yellow on your screen then dont buy an iMac. They will only replace it once. After that, you're on your own. Essentially, Apple has given consumers an ultimatum. You either KEEP the yellow tinged screen or you RETURN it for a full refund. It's all up to you. But to think Apple will fix this is futile. It is not going to be fixed. Deal with it or return it and buy PC. BTW, DELL sells the same exact 27' monitor as a stand alone. The positive reviews are all there. Their monitors arent plagued with these flickering and yellowing issues.
Wrong. A graphics card would not create this kind of lop-sided discoloration. Apple has lowered their standards. IF you want an iMac, get used to havign a yellow screen. It is NOT going to be fixed. To think Apple is working to resolve this issue is fantasy. They are selling defetive monitors because their QA has gone down. If you don't like a little yellow on your screen dont buy an iMac. They will only replace it once. After that, youre on your own. Essentially, Apple has given consumers an ultimatum. You either KEEP the yellow tinged screen or you RETURN it for a full refund. It's all up to you. But to think Apple will fix this is futile. It is not going to be fixed. Deal with it or return it and buy PC. BTW, DELL sells the same exact 27' monitor as a stand alone. The positive reviews are all there. Their monitors arent plagued with these flicekring an yellowing issues.

Yellowing is going to be fixed no matter what you say. Do you have any idea how much it costs Apple to replace machines over and over again? Yellowing is not normal and if LG can't fix it, Apple will change the supplier. Unless you have proofs that Steve has said "Why would we fix the iMac's screen? People will buy it anyway"... Dell uses the same panel so the issue CAN and WILL be fixed if it hasn't been yet
Yellowing is going to be fixed no matter what you say. Do you have any idea how much it costs Apple to replace machines over and over again? Yellowing is not normal and if LG can't fix it, Apple will change the supplier. Unless you have proofs that Steve has said "Why would we fix the iMac's screen? People will buy it anyway"... Dell uses the same panel so the issue CAN and WILL be fixed if it hasn't been yet

Apple has been well aware of this issue for some time. Their CSRs and Genius' all lie and deceive their customers about the real reason. They say they've never heard of it, that its normal, that its the graphics card, etc. etc.

I assure you, come 6 months from now or say the next revision, you'll still see incidences of yellow screens with varying degrees of blotches. The marketing model is to sell to those who are willing to overlook this minor flaw just to own an Apple which used to stand for quality. Now one can get at least the same and usually much much better techonolgy and reliability in a PC. Apple used to make a good product. not any more. It's all about greater profits and more products. I mean just look at all the problems you buy when you spend thousands on an iMac. Is it really worth it?

It really is unfortunate. Apple will continue to make lots of money all while selling lower quality products. Hey, DELL used to be a trusted market leader yrs ago. Thye had good machines and terrific customer service. Then one day, they got big (just like Apple is now) and mainstream and now their products suck and their CS is horrendous. The worst out there.
Wrong. A graphics card would not create this kind of lop-sided discoloration. No software patch will cure this either. Apple has lowered their standards. If you want an iMac, get used to having a yellow screen. Many have just acceptedthe fact that they ALL have yellow blotches. It is NOT going to be fixed. To think Apple is working to resolve this issue is fantasy. They are selling defective monitors because their QA has gone down (while profits rise, of course!). If you don't like a little yellow on your screen then dont buy an iMac. They will only replace it once. After that, you're on your own. Essentially, Apple has given consumers an ultimatum. You either KEEP the yellow tinged screen or you RETURN it for a full refund. It's all up to you. But to think Apple will fix this is futile. It is not going to be fixed. Deal with it or return it and buy PC. BTW, DELL sells the same exact 27' monitor as a stand alone. The positive reviews are all there. Their monitors arent plagued with these flickering and yellowing issues.

you are pretty much saying that it is the video card, If dell is running the same panels in a standalone monitor with no issue, then it prolly is the video card.

also my local reseller said they have fixed a few of the yellow systems by swapping the video card out, and they told me that over a month ago
Apple has been well aware of this issue for some time. Their CSRs and Genius' all lie and deceive their customers about the real reason. They say they've never heard of it, that its normal, that its the graphics card, etc. etc.

I assure you, come 6 months from now or say the next revision, you'll still see incidences of yellow screens with varying degrees of blotches. The marketing model is to sell to those who are willing to overlook this minor flaw just to own an Apple which used to stand for quality. Now one can get at least the same and usually much much better techonolgy and reliability in a PC. Apple used to make a good product. not any more. It's all about greater profits and more products. I mean just look at all the problems you buy when you spend thousands on an iMac. Is it really worth it?

It really is unfortunate. Apple will continue to make lots of money all while selling lower quality products. Hey, DELL used to be a trusted market leader yrs ago. Thye had good machines and terrific customer service. Then one day, they got big (just like Apple is now) and mainstream and now their products suck and their CS is horrendous. The worst out there.

Geniuses are proven to know nothing and just tell something to save their asses...

IF it's the GPU, why 24" iMacs are fine? And WHY would all three GPUs be defective? Even 9400M which is used in every Mac except Pro. I bet my money on the panel or backlight. Also, Dell display is nowhere near as popular as iMacs are so...

Apple must be planning on putting a time bomb inside every Mac so after the warranty ends it's gonna blow up with your philosophy...

It's not Apple's fault, and it ain't easy to get it fixed because Apple can't just go into the LG's factory and start fixing it, LG has to do it and I bet they are trying to fix it.
Apple has been well aware of this issue for some time. Their CSRs and Genius' all lie and deceive their customers about the real reason. They say they've never heard of it, that its normal, that its the graphics card, etc. etc.

I assure you, come 6 months from now or say the next revision, you'll still see incidences of yellow screens with varying degrees of blotches. The marketing model is to sell to those who are willing to overlook this minor flaw just to own an Apple which used to stand for quality. Now one can get at least the same and usually much much better techonolgy and reliability in a PC. Apple used to make a good product. not any more. It's all about greater profits and more products. I mean just look at all the problems you buy when you spend thousands on an iMac. Is it really worth it?

It really is unfortunate. Apple will continue to make lots of money all while selling lower quality products. Hey, DELL used to be a trusted market leader yrs ago. Thye had good machines and terrific customer service. Then one day, they got big (just like Apple is now) and mainstream and now their products suck and their CS is horrendous. The worst out there.

I don't usually make posts in these silly debates, but both statements you've made in this thread are just incorrect.

While you may have a some sort of blurred point in there about Apples' quality control having slid, which may bet true, that is not in fact what you're speaking to. So if that's the point you're attempting to make, you've failed both times.

What you have stated, and rather adamantly is that Apple won't fix the Imac. This is just silly, and a poor attempt at spreading fear, uncertainty and doubt into a consumer base. Apple will eventually fix the screens, because no company can survive selling a broken product. That is a fact. I will comment no further on how they handled it, or why they did so because I have no way of knowing why or how they decided to conduct their customer service in that fashion. But I'm quite sure that no company will survive by ignoring a broken product, and to think so is to have a fundamental misunderstanding of business in general.

I'll also say that I think your comparison to Dell is also incorrect. We've been dealing with Dell for our PC needs at our place of work for almost 10 years, and their customer service has NEVER been helpful, or easy to work with. And their machines are no better today than they were then in regards to reliability. We have noticed no increase or decrease in the failure rates of our Desktop hardware and IN FACT, we actually find their laptops to be worse. We have started buying HP/Compaqs for those that need notebook computers, because we've had such too many issues with our recent dell laptop purchases.
Yellowing is going to be fixed no matter what you say. Do you have any idea how much it costs Apple to replace machines over and over again? Yellowing is not normal and if LG can't fix it, Apple will change the supplier. Unless you have proofs that Steve has said "Why would we fix the iMac's screen? People will buy it anyway"... Dell uses the same panel so the issue CAN and WILL be fixed if it hasn't been yet

Also, those returned screens will end up in a fair percentage of refurbs based upon some arbitrary spec tolerance. With so many being returned, it would be a HUGE loss for them to trash them. Some of the screens are "liveable with" or "aceptable", so they WILL invariably be put back into circulation as a refurb. If the next customer doesnt mind, then they've succeded.

As far as the panels DELL is selling, they are not plagued with the yellow tint issue. So, by deduction, it's inhrent in Apples design( LED BL'ing technology perhaps).

In the end, Apple has perpahs upset somecustomers, but they make it up in volume. They are much more popularthan yrs before. I attrbute thisto the iPhone helping to bridge PC users as well as the bootcamp ability. Their products are reaching a broader audience, buthtis comes at a cost. The cost is stretched R/D and resources. It's kind of like in college, where you do the least amount of work for the highest grade. Plotted along an X/Y chart. There's defiantely a curve whihc provides optimum profits for least amount of capital and expenditures.

The truth is, if Apple wantedto make an iMac which was defect-free, they could. Instead, they choose to play a statistical numbers game.

Theres a similar tale to be told from years ago in the U.S. concerning a car manufactured by Ford called the Pinto. Inthe early 70's, the US car makers were losing big to foreign imports like honda and Toyota. Small fuel efficent cars which were selling incredibly well. Ford decided it needed to compete and rushed out a design to manufacture. Lee Iococa headed it up and demande thatthe car be built to very tight specifications. It had to cost weigh and have certain fule efficiences. All thes requirements were shoehorned into the design. The assembly line was quickly built.

However, a lot of fatal car acccidents were attributed to this Ford Pinto. It was determined that a rear-end collision would crush the fuel tank, causing it to rupture and explode into a fire. Passngers were trapped inside and died. Their engineers determined that a part costing 50 cents or so, would solve the problem and prevent future accidents. A rubber piece inserted would be the diffrence between surving and dying in a fire. Ford actuaries determined that it would be cheaer to have people die in crashes, sue and pay out in settlements than to recall all the vehicles and retrofit them with a small rubber piece.

Anyway, Apple knows tat its more profitable to keep this marketing game going on then actually address the problem and use screen s which are of better quality. Appl is trying to pull a fast one. Theyre pulling the wool over your eyes. Many people are so brain-washed that they defend Apple and accept these defects as normal.
I don't usually make posts in these silly debates, but both statements you've made in this thread are just incorrect.

While you may have a some sort of blurred point in there about Apples' quality control having slid, which may bet true, that is not in fact what you're speaking to. So if that's the point you're attempting to make, you've failed both times.

Apple quality HAS deteriorated. They're palying a marketing and image game now. They make up their lost sales in volume.

What you have stated, and rather adamantly is that Apple won't fix the Imac. This is just silly, and a poor attempt at spreading fear, uncertainty and doubt into a consumer base. Apple will eventually fix the screens, because no company can survive selling a broken product. That is a fact. I will comment no further on how they handled it, or why they did so because I have no way of knowing why or how they decided to conduct their customer service in that fashion. But I'm quite sure that no company will survive by ignoring a broken product, and to think so is to have a fundamental misunderstanding of business in general.
Apple has claimed for over a month and in fact almost 2 months (since Early Jan.) to have fixed the issue. Yet there are still defective monitors being shipped. Ive known of several week 6 and 7's which still have problems.

I'll also say that I think your comparison to Dell is also incorrect. We've been dealing with Dell for our PC needs at our place of work for almost 10 years, and their customer service has NEVER been helpful, or easy to work with. And their machines are no better today than they were then in regards to reliability. We have noticed no increase or decrease in the failure rates of our Desktop hardware and IN FACT, we actually find their laptops to be worse. We have started buying HP/Compaqs for those that need notebook computers, because we've had such too many issues with our recent dell laptop purchases.

you're right. DELL was much better 10 years ago. Thats what Im talking about. Dell had a great product and great CS bewfore they became a mass marketer with a larger volume of customers and shippedthier CS overseas to 5 different countries. Ive spoken with someone a each contient around the wrold in the past attempting to resolve issues. The more knowledgeable ones are here in the US. Dell used to do all their CS here then outsourced it to other countries. boththe business and consumer side. Of course, the CSRs were atrocious and unhelful so DELL routed their buisness clientele back into the US for fear of losing these more lucrative customers.

In the end, you can belive what you want. This is just a message board. But youre fooling yourself if you think Apple isn't playing a statisical numbers game. Theyr buisness model is much much different these days. Volume and profits have trumpted quialty and exclusivity. And yes, I'm certain you will have yellow plagued iMacs in the near and distant future.
Dell XPS m1730 (w/ Nvidia SLI 8800m GTX) Yellow screen
17 Feb 2010 02:28AM
I noticed dell has released the following VBIOS to correct the yellow tint problem:

8700m GT (Single) - NVIDIA_G84-ENTRY_A00_R230858.exe
8700m GT SLI - NVIDIA_-GEFORCE-GO-8700M-GT-_a00_R230862.exe
9800m GT SLI - NVIDIA_GEFORCE-9800M-GTSLI_A00_R230866.exe
9800m GTX - NVIDIA_GEFORCE-9800M-GTX_A00_R231006.exe

Is there any way to correct this yellow screen problem for the 8800m?

Your arguments are hollow and all over the place, you either don't read what people actually type or choose not to comprehend it. This will be my last reply to you because refuting you is futile. What I type is lost in translation somewhere.

I will leave with simply this.

1)Until the statement posted to Gizmodo just days ago. Apple never claimed publicly to have fixed the problem. You are again wrong.

2) I never said dell was better 10 years ago. In fact i said they were mostly on par, except for laptops. You chose to twist my words which is why I won't reply to you again.

3) Your original argument was that they would not fix the screens. You've abandoned that I see, because it was simply silly. And you realized it was silly, now you want to use your poor reading comprehension to argue more silly points.

You've now made my ignore list. Further attempts by you to continue insane and silly rants will be a simple waste of your breathe, however, i suspect you're not a above that.
It's not the same panel at all. Dell's is CCFL backlit as opposed to the iMac panel's LED.

I don't know exactly what the point of your argument would be even if it were the same panel because LG Display makes both of them, not Apple.

It IS the same you know the difference between the panel and the backlighting?

They have different backlighting yes but...
It IS the same you know the difference between the panel and the backlighting?

They have different backlighting yes but...

They are manufactured by the same company and in the case of LG Display leave the factory as one cohesive unit. There is one part number.

Not to mention, noone has positively confirmed that the panel itself is in fact identical. They are the same size and made by the same manufacturer, that's all.
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