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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 14, 2008
This is our first, hopefully of many, Imangi Player Spotlights. I was lucky enough to have a chance to interview Hulett London via email. Hulett currently holds the top 4 worldwide high scores in Standard Imangi with his best board scoring 61,000 points. I'd like to thank Hulett for letting me interview him, and sharing his strategy in such detail! I hope you all enjoy the interview, and stay tuned for more spotlights in the future.

Click here to view the full interview.

If you are looking for more strategy tips, also check out our recently posted Imangi Tutorial Video.



Eric Isaacson

macrumors 6502
Jul 30, 2008
Thanks for the game and the interview you did with Hulett. I have been playing this quite a bit in the last 2 weeks and I've finally gotten over 30,000 points but after reading the interview I'm going to try some of his tips and see if I can raise that.

Great game and good luck on any future games



macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 14, 2008
Thanks Eric! I'm glad you enjoyed the interview! I just completed an interview with "The Bro", the current Speed Imangi champion, and I should have that posted later this week.

Take care,

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