Since i have unlimited texting, i do not really need iMessage right now so i turned iMessage off. But now i cant receive messages by people when they send as iMessage. How do i receive all incoming messages as SMS?
Since i have unlimited texting, i do not really need iMessage right now so i turned iMessage off. But now i cant receive messages by people when they send as iMessage. How do i receive all incoming messages as SMS?
Why bother turning iMessage off? There's no benefit to only SMS, might as well use iMessage with other iPhone users and SMS with all others, right?
Also, what about those with iPhones that do not have unlimited texting and are wanting to use iMessage with you and are now being charged with text messages.
Those people who try to iMessage you unsuccessfully need to go into their message settings and make sure 'Send as SMS' is enable. Then when it fails to send you an iMessage, it will revert to standard text and you'll get it. This is something everyone else will need to do, for you. There's no option YOU can do to force THEIR phone to do this.*
Alternatively, you can simply leave iMessage turned on and reap the benefits of it. It really is a lot better than standard SMS.
*There is technically... but I'm not telling you!You have an iPhone. Utilize its features, don't castrate it.
iMessage is more annoying than it's worth, and I've turned if off too. I really don't want to see the " " and stare at the phone waiting for the message to come in -- if it ever does -- and I don't want other people seeing and waiting on the " " from my end.
I have no problems texting with other iphone users who do use imessage, and I'd be surprised if every single one of them had the settings properly enabled (unless it's the default setting).
That's like comparing a VCR to a BluRay or DVR.
You should research at least some of the advantages and pros of iMesssages over regular 1994 tech such as SMS text messages.
Its not just to stare at the "....."
Why don't you just tell me the supposed advantages right now?
I have unlimited data. I've used both. I found the dots included with the " " to be annoying on both ends. I've noticed no decline in either the reliability or timing once I turned it off.
If you've got a rebuttal to that, let's hear it.
Huh, there's no such thing as unlimited data on current plans available in North America. I assume you're not from North America, or that you have a grandfathered plan.I have unlimited data. I've used both. I found the dots included with the " " to be annoying on both ends. I've noticed no decline in either the reliability or timing once I turned it off.
If you've got a rebuttal to that, let's hear it.
Unlimited text is far more common than unlimited data. And it's also far easier to find a 1-bar cell signal than it is to find a reliable wifi when you're on the go. In low-reception areas, SMS work so much better than anything data-based.The people you're texting may not have unlimited texts. Also, if you're ever in a place with bad reception but that you have wifi, iMessage will work while regular SMS would not.
Why don't you just tell me the supposed advantages right now?
I have unlimited data. I've used both. I found the dots included with the " " to be annoying on both ends. I've noticed no decline in either the reliability or timing once I turned it off.
If you've got a rebuttal to that, let's hear it.
Huh, there's no such thing as unlimited data on current plans available in North America. I assume you're not from North America, or that you have a grandfathered plan.
The people you're texting may not have unlimited texts. Also, if you're ever in a place with bad reception but that you have wifi, iMessage will work while regular SMS would not.
Huh, there's no such thing as unlimited data on current plans available in North America. I assume you're not from North America, or that you have a grandfathered plan.
Honestly, having used iMessage before, the " " was the least of my concerns. What was is that it didn't work reliably, meaning that if I needed or the recipient switched phones, there wasn't always a SMS backup sent at the same time, leading to no message being sent or received. SMS/MMS is still the most reliable, even if it comes with many limitations.
Unlimited text is far more common than unlimited data. And it's also far easier to find a 1-bar cell signal than it is to find a reliable wifi when you're on the go. In low-reception areas, SMS work so much better than anything data-based.
Huh, there's no such thing as unlimited data on current plans available in North America. I assume you're not from North America, or that you have a grandfathered plan.
Honestly, having used iMessage before, the " " was the least of my concerns. What was is that it didn't work reliably, meaning that if I needed or the recipient switched phones, there wasn't always a SMS backup sent at the same time, leading to no message being sent or received. SMS/MMS is still the most reliable, even if it comes with many limitations.
Unlimited text is far more common than unlimited data. And it's also far easier to find a 1-bar cell signal than it is to find a reliable wifi when you're on the go. In low-reception areas, SMS work so much better than anything data-based.
In low-reception areas, SMS work so much better than anything data-based.
I got better things to do.
Do you? You've already spent your time composing two posts saying imesage is better than SMS without offfering any argument to back it up.
So do you really have better things to do? Or can we expect some more non-informative posts from you saying you don't have the time to defend your position?
Its not my responsibility to educate you unless you're willing to pay me for my service.
Sure, imessage has no advantages over sms and its just more trouble.
You all caught me stumbling.
Also vinyl records are way better than digital music and telegraphs work better than email
I love clueless people.
Can't beat a good bit of vinyllol
Anyway op....
iMessage is better than sms. One main reason is sending pictures for example. But hey your right the old 90's Sms can't be beaten (in YOUR opinion)
The other poster like me is dumbfounded as to why you've not done any research yourself!We've given you reasons why we like SMS. The other poster isn't able to offer even one reason why imessage is better, and all you're saying is "sending pictures" is better. But how and why? No reason offered.
Since i have unlimited texting, i do not really need iMessage right now so i turned iMessage off. But now i cant receive messages by people when they send as iMessage. How do i receive all incoming messages as SMS?
The other poster like me is dumbfounded as to why you've not done any research yourself!
Pictures sent via iMessage do not cost you the mms charge that most networks carry nor does it scale the picture down in the way an mms does!
I could say encryption too. Do I need to explain that too?
I don't care about picture scaling, or encryption, and I have unlimited texting and plenty of data. So why would I want to put up with those stupit dots and the other drawbacks of imessage?