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macrumors G5
Original poster
Nov 29, 2011
Boston, MA
My biggest pet peave of the iPhone is that there were never any really good gtalk clients. We have seen many over the years, the best of which was probably beejive, but none of them compare to gtalk on Android.

I finally got around to installing the iMessages beta on my Air, and to my surprise it allows you to log into AIM and GTalk. Wish we had this on iOS! What are the chances we get that on our idevices?
Thats because iMessage on a Mac is basically iChat V6. Indeed, if you look at the version number, it even says V6. And iChat has always been able to use AIM.
But no, its still no good for AIM on an iPhone. I use the free AIM app for that, but im not even sure its still available..
I am aware that it doesn't support AIM and GTalk on iPhone. My question is if there is a high likelihood that we will get that functionality on iOS version of iMessages in the future.
What are the odds we would know?

There are people that look far more into beta software than I do. The odds that you would know seems to be 0, based on your own self admission. Being that I JUST now am looking into the iMessages beta on the Mac, I thought it might be possible that I didn't know something that someone else did about iMessage for iOS.


iOS 6 might allow AIM and GTalk in Messages.

Is this statement based on anything other than a gut feeling? This is a feature I had been waiting for myself effectively since the iPhone launched.
I don't think we will ever see AIM or Google Talk come to the native iMessages app on the iPhone.

As someone else said, iMessages is iChat, but with a new name and the capability to communicate with iPhones and iPads. iChat has had support for third-party services like AIM and Google Talk for a long time (since before the iPhone), so if Apple had any plans on added them, I think they would have already.

AIM and Google Talk support is simply something that is carried over from iChat.
I am aware that it doesn't support AIM and GTalk on iPhone. My question is if there is a high likelihood that we will get that functionality on iOS version of iMessages in the future.

First, just as a pet peeve: it's 'Messages,' not 'iMessages.' iMessage is just one of the services that Messages for Mac and iOS offer.

Anyway, it's difficult to say whether Apple has plans to integrate AIM, GChat, Yahoo!, Facebook, or any other IM service from iChat into Messages for iOS.

My gut feeling is 'no,' because instant messaging and SMS, while technically similar, are not *used* in similar ways. Texts are more like short emails. IMs are kind of a whole thing all their own. They're used very differently.

The UI of Messages for iOS wouldn't be a particularly great way to carry on an IM conversation. Frankly, unless you're seated somewhere with a separate keyboard, iOS is just a pretty bad platform for instant messaging altogether. I think that's why, even though IMs are free and SMS costs money, paid SMS has remained popular in the face of the smartphone era.

And one of the biggest reasons, frankly, is that instant messaging has become something of a niche market; even in the heyday of AIM, it was never quite the sensation that SMS is today. And by far, these days, the biggest instant messaging platforms are Facebook, which has its own dedicated client that the vast majority of FB users would prefer to stick with rather than a separate Jabber implementation, and Skype, which has a long and difficult history with the flexibility of its APIs (or lack thereof).

All that being said, despite my belief that it's an unlikely turn of events, Apple may of course still do it. I've been wrong before about Apple, and will no doubt be wrong again. And, myself personally, simply for the convenience of it, I would very much like it if Messages for iOS would toss us even just a Jabber implementation our way (since, even though AIM and MSN are superior, they're far less widely used than Google Talk and FB Chat), even if it will be a niche product at best.

In the mean time, you should really check out 'Verbs.' It beats the heck of out Beejive, and I think it's a much better IM implementation than a shoehorned version of Messages could ever hope to be.
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