Have you tried recording a voice message (using the microphone on the right of the message compose window) to see if that might make what you are seeing go away?Hi Gav2k. Yes I am using the dictation feature
It's that gray microphone button on the right of the area where you would normally type a message--it's there in the screenshot you posted in the OP.Hi C DM I do not even see that option when I use my iMessage. Sorry
That button shouldn't have anything to do with dictation, it's imply there for voice messages, just like the one on the left is there to send a picture or a video. Do you see the one I'm talking about as it appears in the screenshot you posted?Hi C DM that will just come when I'm using the dictation feature. Besides that I don't see it at all.
If you use that and then try to use dictation afterward do you still get the same issue that you were describing?Hi C DM I do see it now I have no problem using it.
Have you tried disabling and then re-enabling the dictation feature from settings (and perhaps the same for Siri as they are related)?Hi C DM yes it still happens when I am using the dictation feature. I have tried a Google and Bing search with no luck on it to. Thank you for all your help on this. I may have to call Apple