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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 20, 2007
not sure what is going on, but whenever my wife and I exchange texts it defers to the "blue text bubble" and I believe gets delivered via iMessage. Not until I check later that I see the "not delivered" message.

What is going on? At this point, I would rather have iMessage turned off and just use the unlimited text plan I have through ATT.

I have googled it, but don't think a factory reset or changing of my DNS should be necessary on my part to fix a problem that I never asked for.

Anyone else having this issue? Is there an "easyish" solution or workaround?

Beginning to wonder how many texts have not gone out that I have been sending.

With all of the other iMessage problems being experienced (look through these forums, especially for iMessages sent to and from unknown iPhones), I've turned off iMessage, and totally rely on the AT&T unlimited messaging that I already had... and need to keep since a lot of messages we send are to devices not on iOS5.
If you dont have Internet signal on your phone the imessage will not send,if you have unlimited texts it's easier just to turn off imessage in Settings>Messages
ok, so I am not alone. Felt kinda dumb not being able to figure it out so I just turned it off.
mine does this from time to time. i did figure out it was a Verizon issue the days i'm having trouble. I'm able to iMessage all AT&T users just fine (i'm AT&T as well) but when messaging to Verizon it just bombs
I've sent iMessages to my wife, my phone shows they were delivered, but they never showed read (with read receipts on). They just disappeared. They never showed on her phone. Same thing has happened when she texted me. It is not as reliable as text messaging for me.
If you have unlimited texting, turn off iMessage and stick to texting. If you don't have unlimited messaging, get Whatsapp.

A huge problem is that if your iPhone has stumbled across a Wi-Fi hotspot but you haven't actually logged into it, your iMessage will show as sent (as your iPhone thinks you are connected to wi-fi) but it won't go anywhere (as you haven't logged into the hotspot). It will however still show as sent on your iPhone.

This is a huge problem, and I only noticed it when I was sending messages to my wife whilst she was in hospital. She wasn't receiving them when I thought she was, which was a huge issue for us whilst she was ill.

I have no trust in iMessage because of this, so its turned off.
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