I am looking at buying an Apple portable, and would be using it for home recording. I am currently looking at the 12" iBook, mainly because I really can't afford a PowerBook ($800CDN more than the iBook after taxes). I am looking for people's reviews of the iMic. I've read a lot of things so far, but mainly on threads related to other hardware. Has anyone had any good experiences with the iMic? How well does it work with GarageBand, Logic-Pro or Pro-Tools?
I would be using the iMic to record real instruments. However, not directly into the computer. It would be mic'd instruments going through a mixer, then mixer into iMic then to the computer. Has this been a painful experience for iMic users? Or has it worked quite well?
Any and all input would be GREATLY appreciated .
I would be using the iMic to record real instruments. However, not directly into the computer. It would be mic'd instruments going through a mixer, then mixer into iMic then to the computer. Has this been a painful experience for iMic users? Or has it worked quite well?
Any and all input would be GREATLY appreciated .