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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 5, 2006

Heya, I need help with my imovie application...

Anyway I know how creating movies etc on imovie takes up a lot of memory, however, even when I delete clips (empty trash), my memory is still low and won't change. I deleted quite a bit, but my memory available hasn't increased one bit. I have iMovie 5.0.2 on a Powerbook G4 (I got it JUST before the new macbook was introduced...)

Sorry for the question (I'm not a computer wiz sadly), but I don't want to run out of memory and I can't seem to increase it no matter how much I delete clips from imovie. I don't know if it's an error, a bug, or I haven't completely deleted the items (I emptied the trash and everything though.) Anyway thanks so much in advance!
Okay, well to save confusion, are you talking about RAM or free hard drive space. How are you measuring it? Does it get better after a restart? :)
Oh um, I think my hard drive memory. I'm measuring it by what I see at the bottom. "___ GB available" And everytime I import something, it drops, but if I delete something it stays the same and won't increase. I just restarted and nothing changed, I'm still low on memory. The number is probably stuck like that, and it'll probably fix itself later, but I'm not sure.
Okay, we're talking about hard drive space. Are you deleting from within iMovie or from Finder? They have separate Trash folders to empty so if you delete from iMovie, you'll need to empty the iMovie Trash folder (bottom right corner of a project). :)
mad jew said:
Okay, we're talking about hard drive space. Are you deleting from within iMovie or from Finder? They have separate Trash folders to empty so if you delete from iMovie, you'll need to empty the iMovie Trash folder (bottom right corner of a project). :)
Yep I empty the iMovie Trash folder, but it still doesn't increase my memory.

Anyway, thanks for your help. I know nothing about computers.

Thanks! Wow, all of my memory is being used by packages.

But it's when I import things to imovie that my memory drops... Oh well. Thanks for you help.
mad jew said:
Which packages are taking up all your space? :)

Sorry, I also meant to ask how big they are. :eek:

Also, are you sure the space issue is iMovie-related or did you only notice it when using iMovie? :)

Remember, you'll be wanting at least 8GB of free space on your hard disk at all times.
mad jew said:
Sorry, I also meant to ask how big they are. :eek:

Also, are you sure the space issue is iMovie-related or did you only notice it when using iMovie? :)

Remember, you'll be wanting at least 8GB of free space on your hard disk at all times.

546.4 MP in total, biggest is 174.7 which was the first one I mentioned. I don't think I should delete them though. I deleted a .pkg file before and then the application didn't exist and they look pretty important.

And yes it's imovie related. When it was importing something I watched the "__ GB avalible" drop. And I had at least 40ish GB before I started and now it's only 10.5 GB.
Yeah, don't delete the PKG files. This is weird though, I'm stuck. I mean, if you've emptied both trashes, restarted and OmniDiskSweeper isn't finding anything particularly large, then I'm not sure where the problem lies. Are you sure you're running OmniDiskSweeper from an Admin Account? It should be coming up with larger files than that.
One thing to be wary of when using iMovie. If you have long clips (several minutes), even if you just end up using a 3 second clip of video/audio in the 'final' piece and putting the rest in the trash, iMovie 5 onwards will still 'keep' the full piece just in case you need it.
So your HD won't reclaim the space.

If you ever do just want to use a very short piece of audio/video from a longer clip, export the dv file back to the desktop and in Quicktime extract the bit that you need to dv before putting it back into iMovie. Then you can safely dump the larger file and just keep the smaller piece that you need.
Applespider said:
One thing to be wary of when using iMovie. If you have long clips (several minutes), even if you just end up using a 3 second clip of video/audio in the 'final' piece and putting the rest in the trash, iMovie 5 onwards will still 'keep' the full piece just in case you need it.
So your HD won't reclaim the space.

If you ever do just want to use a very short piece of audio/video from a longer clip, export the dv file back to the desktop and in Quicktime extract the bit that you need to dv before putting it back into iMovie. Then you can safely dump the larger file and just keep the smaller piece that you need.

Yea, I managed to figure it out late at night, but I took a longer method (and time-consuming) than what you mentioned. I'll keep this in mind for next time, thanks everyone!
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