I just finished rebuilding an iMovie Library — AGAIN. I still don’t know how iMovie Libraries get corrupted. But I’ve learned to keep backups of un-corrupted iMovie libraries (in addition to Time Machine) so that they can be used as a foundation for the rebuild. Luckily the recent projects in my current, corrupted library were OK. So I created a good iMovie library by copying these recent projects from my current, corrupted library into a copy of an older, un-corrupted library.
In the rebuilding process, I discovered that in the latest version of iMovie, the File menu items for copying or moving a project from one library to another were always greyed out and non functional. But the pop-up menu in the Projects view still worked.
BTW the corrupted iMovie Library looked OK in Projects view. But almost all of the older projects were missing their media files (i.e..mov). Inside the iMovie Library package, these missing media files had been replaced with an alias that pointed to itself — DUH.
Have any of your iMovie Libraries been corrupted? If so, how did you rebuild/recover it/them?
In the rebuilding process, I discovered that in the latest version of iMovie, the File menu items for copying or moving a project from one library to another were always greyed out and non functional. But the pop-up menu in the Projects view still worked.
BTW the corrupted iMovie Library looked OK in Projects view. But almost all of the older projects were missing their media files (i.e..mov). Inside the iMovie Library package, these missing media files had been replaced with an alias that pointed to itself — DUH.
Have any of your iMovie Libraries been corrupted? If so, how did you rebuild/recover it/them?