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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 31, 2003
Anchorage, AK
I am actually a canidate for a gl-2 and final cut pro but as it is i just have a sony digital 8 and iMovie. The thing is is the horrible performance of imovie. I have a couple theories. I have a bunch of plugins from and virtix that were designed for iMovie 2. I also just erased my mac to sell it and then decided to keep it. so i just replaced the now 10.3 library with me backup of my 10.2.8. So if anyone has dealt with uexpected quitting with plugins or with just plain old imovie 3.0.3 let me know.
I've been using iMovie, and I can say, it sucks. I dont think it's for serious video editing, it's for novice users. I have all types of problems with iMovie, and I dont have any of the plug ins. But it's free. I plan on getting final cut express soon, cause iMovie doesnt cut it.
iMovie is for daddys cutting together clips of their kids running around on the beach, or for stupid kids at school to make really bad skate videos with and make me air them.

I ordered FCE with my powerbook, and have only used iMovie to convert an MP3 to Quicktime (for FC).
don't be so down on imovie, fellas. it's made for really basic video editing--not meant for much beyond cutting and pasting clips and adding sound and titles. if you're trying to do more than that, well, the problem isn't imovie, it's what you're trying to do with it. that's why apple sells FC.
I loved iMovie 2 it was a really great app, and it was fast. However I was really disappointed by the performance of iMovie 3 which I was really looking forward to. You can do really good movies with iMovie but it takes some practice, however 3 made things almost unusable even on a fast mac. Scrolling through clips has delays and the program jumps around, what is even worse that it creates noise in the audio like bleeps and crackles that you can't get rid of. 3 had some great features like adjustable sound and what not but the problems have destroyed them. I really want to learn FCP but my TV teacher does not know how to use it, so I'm on my own, and getting thrown into FCP is daunting when you don't know how to use it.
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