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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Sep 30, 2003
Providence, RI
Hi, I am trying to import my AIM buddy list into a new screen name in iChat. Is this possible? I have looked thourgh the iChat preferences and can'e find anything. Any help would be great. thanks.
I don't know if you can do this in iChat but it's easy to do in the official AIM client. In the official AIM client, sign in on your old screenname and there is a command "Export Buddy List" which exports is as a file on your desktop. Then you could sign in on your new screenname and there is a command "Import Buddy List".

If you can't figure out a way to do it in iChat, that's what I suggest you do. But iChat is better overall, since it is so much faster and doesn't have ads.
thats funny, I dont use iChat, but my friend who just got an iMac does, and her AIM buddy lists all load automatically....maybe its just older versions that dont automatically import?
I think it does load automaticallt, but since I never actaully used that SN in aim or ichat, it never had any buddies on it. Once I signed onto aim with my new SN, I importted my buddies from my old SN. Then when I signed into iChat with my new SN, it had all my buddies. Did you follow that?.... hehehe
The buddy list is on the AOL servers and loads automatically for an existing screenname. However, what we were talking about here is transferring the buddy list from one screenname into another screenname.
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