As I told on another topic, I recently purchased an 8 core Mac Pro (2008 model) that comes with the default specs: 2GB RAM, 320GB HDD and Radeon HD2600 XT.
Well, If I want to upgrade to 6GB I've to spend 140€ on a s*it*y and overpriced 4GB kit of ECC dimms to match with the default kit that comes with the Pro.
So my question is, CAN I USE NON-ECC DIMMS on it?, I mean, can I put for example, a 8GB kit of "normal" DDR2 dimms? (logically, removing first the ECC ones, that probably I'll sell after on eBay)... They're INFINITELY CHEAPER, and my pocket will highly appreciate it after the 1200GBP that the Pro cost me.
Thanks in advance,
As I told on another topic, I recently purchased an 8 core Mac Pro (2008 model) that comes with the default specs: 2GB RAM, 320GB HDD and Radeon HD2600 XT.
Well, If I want to upgrade to 6GB I've to spend 140€ on a s*it*y and overpriced 4GB kit of ECC dimms to match with the default kit that comes with the Pro.
So my question is, CAN I USE NON-ECC DIMMS on it?, I mean, can I put for example, a 8GB kit of "normal" DDR2 dimms? (logically, removing first the ECC ones, that probably I'll sell after on eBay)... They're INFINITELY CHEAPER, and my pocket will highly appreciate it after the 1200GBP that the Pro cost me.
Thanks in advance,