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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 6, 2008
Brighton, UK
Having being lucky enough to have managed to grab a US iPad, I've been going slightly mad about the soft keyboard.

Whatever setting I use in 'International' (which is set to Language 'English' and Region Format 'United Kingdom') and Keyboard (English - British). It always puts a $ sign on the keyboard as the default currency key. I can hold my finger on the $ sign and get a £ sign however.

No offence to US users, but it's beginning to irk me that I have to do this even after setting the Keyboard and International settings to UK/British.

Ideas? :confused:
sounds really odd i dont have that problem... Based in the UK with imported US ipad (Leicester btw :))
Having being lucky enough to have managed to grab a US iPad, I've been going slightly mad about the soft keyboard.

Whatever setting I use in 'International' (which is set to Language 'English' and Region Format 'United Kingdom') and Keyboard (English - British). It always puts a $ sign on the keyboard as the default currency key. I can hold my finger on the $ sign and get a £ sign however.

No offence to US users, but it's beginning to irk me that I have to do this even after setting the Keyboard and International settings to UK/British.

Ideas? :confused:

Maybe do a restore?!
Having being lucky enough to have managed to grab a US iPad, I've been going slightly mad about the soft keyboard.

Whatever setting I use in 'International' (which is set to Language 'English' and Region Format 'United Kingdom') and Keyboard (English - British). It always puts a $ sign on the keyboard as the default currency key. I can hold my finger on the $ sign and get a £ sign however.

No offence to US users, but it's beginning to irk me that I have to do this even after setting the Keyboard and International settings to UK/British.

Ideas? :confused:

I've got a US iPad too and don't have this problem. Are you sure you are looking for the CCY in the correct place?

On the keyboard:

In alpha numberic mode, press the ?1234 number key and it toggles to numbers, and there I see a £. If I then press the #... key to access symbols I then see $ Euros, Yen...
Found your problem...

Go back into settings, goto keyboards.

You probably have:

But what you want to have:
English (UK)

Simply add a new keyboard and choose English (UK) then delete the other one.
Mine is working fine. I have the £ key as default.
Found your problem...

Go back into settings, goto keyboards.

You probably have:

But what you want to have:
English (UK)

Simply add a new keyboard and choose English (UK) then delete the other one.

That's got it, cheers! :)
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