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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 31, 2004
i have a current iMovie project that i imported from a video camera. i also have other video clips that are already on my computer (ie clips i have d/led else where) but when i drag them into the clips window of iMovie, i get no audio...just the video. At first i thought i just had a mute option checked somewhere, but i have checked for hours and cant figure out why i cant get audio to play from the clips i load from other folders. The original clips taken from my video camera work fine, just the other clips that i want to incorporate dont have any audio :confused: any ideas on whats going on?
Same here!!

I too have this problem and I have tried and tried to figure this out.
That's odd because I don't have a problem. I can drag clips captured in Final Cut Express and they come out fine in iMovie. Are you using version 2, 3 or 4?
I believe iMovie can only import clips that are in DV format. Have you converted the clips to DV using the export function in QuickTime? I'm not sure, but you may have to purchase QuickTime Pro to do this.
hmm i couldnt find an export function in my Quicktime, so im guessing you have to buy Pro. do you know of any other ways to convert clips to DV?
bursty said:
hmm i couldnt find an export function in my Quicktime, so im guessing you have to buy Pro. do you know of any other ways to convert clips to DV?
Yes, export to DV is a function that you get when you upgrade to QT Pro.

Incidentally, are you trying to import mpg files? It sounds like you are. The symptoms you describe are consistent with trying to convert "muxed" mpg files to DV. You'll have to de-mux the file and convert the audio to AIFF before you can import them into iMovie.

NOTE - iMovie can convert many different video file types to DV. Just drag a video file onto the Clip Window and it'll automatically convert to DV.
If it is an mpeg file you have, search version tracker for bbDEMUX - it's freeware and a quick download. Drag the file onto the program and it will be converted into movie and audio files. Rename the audio file extension as .mp3 and you're good to go.
says it cant open clipname.mp3 and is skipping it....? hmmm i have no idea
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