You're either overthinking this, or you don't understand how inheritance works in subclasses.
Suppose you have a subclass. Call it Bulldog. You want it to subclass the Dog class. What do you write?
First, you'd import the header for the Dog class. Write the code for that.
Second, you'd declare the @interface of Bulldog so it inherits from the Dog class. Write the code for that.
Third, you add whatever methods, variables, properties you want Bulldog to have that the Dog class doesn't. Write the code for that.
Put all the code in the "Bulldog.h" file, because that's where you define the public interface of a new class.
Now, and only now, should you start writing the implementation of the Bulldog class. Where does it go? In "Bulldog.m".
At this point, ask yourself what the Bulldog class inherits from the Dog class? By default, and writing no new methods, it inherits every method, property, and instance variable already defined by the Dog class. It also inherits everything from Dog's superclass. And so on up the line to NSObject. Why? Because that's how inheritance works between subclasses and their superclasses.
So the answer to your question is simple: If the class is declared as a subclass of something, it already inherits everything that class provides. If that doesn't make sense, then you need to review how inheritance works in classes.