I just got a new iBook G4 a few weeks ago, and I didn't get around to transferring my files from my old iBook until just now. So now I would like to import my OS 9 Netscape bookmarks from my old computer into Safari. So, I've got this bookmarks.html file hanging around, but I don't know what to do with it. I looked thru Apple's support page and found this
But this won't work b/c I don't actually have Netscape installed on my new computer. Any suggestions?
Also, I have a few bookmarks in Safari already. Will they be overwritten?
and one more Safari question, if I may...If tabs are not enabled, clicking on a link with Apple key opens the link in a new window. If tabs are enabled, doing the same thing opens the link in a new tab...Is there a way one can have the benefit of tabs and the ability to open a link in a new window?
Thank you!
But this won't work b/c I don't actually have Netscape installed on my new computer. Any suggestions?
Also, I have a few bookmarks in Safari already. Will they be overwritten?
and one more Safari question, if I may...If tabs are not enabled, clicking on a link with Apple key opens the link in a new window. If tabs are enabled, doing the same thing opens the link in a new tab...Is there a way one can have the benefit of tabs and the ability to open a link in a new window?
Thank you!