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Jiddick ExRex

macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 14, 2006
Roskilde, DK
So I have had enough of most IDEs and would like to stay clear from them as I have discovered the power of using Emacs/Aquamacs for typing pretty much anything.
Thus I need some sort of introduction to how to import packages (java files) from other folders than the directory I am working in.

My current working directory:

Say I need to import ' edu.umd.cs.piccolo.nodes.PText ' from the folder ~/Documents/Java/piccolo/build/...
(I don't want to have to copy the whole directory to the /HelloWorld/ folder although that works fine. I need to import independently of projects/folders/current applications), how do I go about doing this?

In the file ~/Documents/Java/HelloWorld/HelloWorldExample.class I need to import it by writing import edu.umd.cs.piccolo.nodes.PText; but this clearly doesn't work, as I need to point a directory level up and then further into the piccolo/build/edu/... folders.

What is the syntax for doing this? In the terminal it would be ' ../ 'but it obviously doesn't work, since traversing directories/packages is done with ' . ' .

Help would be much appreciated, since I cannot seem to google answers to this...


macrumors 68020
Apr 12, 2006
Long Island
Wouldn't you just change your classpath variable?

You can also add the classpath on the java command line

java -classpath /Users/myusername/Documents/Java/piccolo/build/

or in terminal

export CLASSPATH=~/Documents/Java/piccolo/build/

Jiddick ExRex

macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 14, 2006
Roskilde, DK

Even after exporting to said directory, and running ' java ~/Documents/Java/HelloWorld/HelloWorldExample.class ' I get a noClassDefFoundError. It makes it compile though.
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