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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Feb 17, 2006
Clovis, California
Ok ... after I have transfered all the pictures from the camera to iPhoto, they are arranged like this:

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Question 1: 10 pictures are on camera's memory card total. Which one is the first picture I took that is displayed on the iPhoto page? And which one is the last? :confused:

The reason I want to know is because every picture has a different f/number; hense my expirement. :)

Question 2: Is there anyway I can import the playback specifications along with the pictures to iPhoto? :confused:

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
By default, it should order the pictures in the same way you have the rest of the library/folder sorted (which is chronologically oldest-to-newest by default). As for your second question, I guess it depends on the camera brand/model, but I reckon it's unlikely. :eek:
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