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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 15, 2015
Hi everyone, I hope someone can help. This concerns an alarm that Im trying to get on my watch. I have spend over 1 year searching for an app that can perform the function that Im looking for. I have trawled every apple watch app and spend an enormous amount of research and time trying to resolve my issue

The crazy thing is that its such a seemingly simple issue ...

This is what I need: I want a way to set a vibrating alarm on my Apple watch (yes I know there are many alarm apps available including the built in one) BUT (a big but) I want the alarm to automatically turn off by itself after a set amount of time (say 5 or 10 seconds).

I dont want to have to move or do anything, I simply want the alarm to go off and then auto-stop (auto-shutoff) after a few seconds.

Sounds simple but I now believe it to be an impossible task - unless someone here can help

So I set an alarm for say 5am - at 5am the watch buzzes, and then 10 seconds later it stops vibrating - simple

Please dont reply asking why or telling me it wont wake me up as those comment are really unhelpful.

If someone can recommend how I can do this or even show me an app that can do this then I will PayPal you £50 - sounds iffy? Its not, I really need this and would honour that deal

Thank you all for your time
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