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Sep 8, 2010
I ventured to my local Apple store this morning for the first time this year I think. I only get there once or twice a year usually.

So today was the first time I saw in person the iPad, the new 27" iMac's and of course the new MBA's. I also played with the Magic Trackpad and looked at the Magic Mouse.

When I looked at the MBA 11" I instantly decided for myself that it was a netbook with a full size keyboard. I don't say that as a knock against it at all. It's just small! The 13" looked massive in comparison I thought.

Then I went and saw the 27" iMac and was blown away at how HUGE it is. I've got the 24" iMac right now and I thought that was big, but that 27" is certainly something to behold.

Then I played with the Magic Trackpad on that 27" behemoth. The trackpad was nice and worked well. I used it for a little bit trying to do some tasks I usually do to try and get the feel for it. I went in there with the intention of buying the Magic Trackpad, but after using it for a bit, I decided that it wasn't worth it for me. I don't see myself switching over from a mouse even in a majority way with a split in usage. So I didn't buy it. Absolutely beautiful and nice product though.

Then I got to the iPad. I picked it up and noticed that it was much heavier than I had expected. I don't know what I thought it would have been, but it took me by surprise at what it really is. Again, I don't say that as a knock against the iPad at all. It is just an observation. I liked the iPad a lot. I messed with Mail, Safari, some ABC TV app, Pages and Numbers.

So I am still torn on what to get, the iPad or a MBA. I want something portable and light that I can do a lot of writing on. The iPad didn't seem too bad to type on as I typed a lot of stuff in Pages to see how it felt.

I am just thinking that maybe I should go with the MBA since it just got a refresh and then in the spring, wait and get the anticipated refresh of the iPad. Then I'll have both.

I only walked out of the Apple store with iLife '11 Family Pack.

It was a good 65 mile round trip and was well worth the time and fuel. :)
Yeah, I've heard that about missing the physical keyboard. But I think I can get used to it. I do a little bit on my iPhone sometimes and it's not too bad.

Also, I looked at the iPhone 4 for the first time today too. I don't know but it seems to be slightly more narrow than my 3GS, maybe I'm wrong. The retnia display was nice too, but I wasn't "blown away" by it. I could see the difference between it and my 3GS though.
Yes, Apple does have some very impressive products nowadays, especially "in person". A lot of peeps like to knock Apple products as overpriced but who else makes things the way Apple does? There is no competition or comparison. Dry specifications on paper don't tell the whole story.

The new MBA sounds like a winner for your needs. The iPad would probably be fine too, especially with the keyboard dock.
The iPad's onscreen keyboard is excellent and has one astounding feature:
The ability to instantly switch between languages and alphabets like from English to Русская to Deutsch to 漢字 to whatever Apple decides to support in the future.

You literally can't go wrong in the Apple store,

Go Team Apple!

PS. The languages above are on my iPad: English (US), Russian, German and Kanji (Japanese alphabet)
The iPad's onscreen keyboard is excellent and has one astounding feature:
The ability to instantly switch between languages and alphabets like from English to Русская to Deutsch to 漢字 to whatever Apple decides to support in the future.

I did notice that; neat feature, but it's not one I myself need.

It's always fun to go to the Apple store and get that "hands on" experience with the products. It's how I got started on Mac, I touched one!
I love the fact that there's an authorized retailer at my uni. I go there a couple times a week when I'm bored to check out the goods.
I love the fact that there's an authorized retailer at my uni. I go there a couple times a week when I'm bored to check out the goods.

I would too if my Apple store wasn't over 30 miles away. If it was in town where I lived, the employees would probably know me by first name basis. :D
Heck, I'd probably even try to get a part time job there too!
I would too if my Apple store wasn't over 30 miles away. If it was in town where I lived, the employees would probably know me by first name basis. :D
Heck, I'd probably even try to get a part time job there too!

Ah well. Makes the wait more exciting. :D
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