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macrumors G5
Original poster
Nov 20, 2008
I had a quick question that I didn't know if anyone knew.

I just purchased the Navigon Live Traffic. I was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible to redownload it free of charge on another device running Navigon? Also, I'm upgrading my phone next month, if anyone knows if I need to repurchased an in-app purchase.

This is to anyone that has done in-app purchases..


In-app purchases only work for the device that was used to make the purchase.

Okay thank you. What about upgrading the phone? If I upgrade to the 3GS from my 3G will I have to repurchase it, or should it transfer over if I restore from a backup?
Are you sure about that? My understanding is that they're linked to one's iTunes account. Could be wrong though. :)

Thats what I had originally thought, but before I try to download it again, I want to find out incase it costs me 20 dollars... I dont have any other apps that have in-app purchases to test it on.
In app purchases, are just like app store purchases. They are tied to the account, not the device.


Are you sure? like 100% sure. Only reason I ask is because I contacted Apple asking them about it 3 months ago and they said its to the account. Last night I contacted them and they said its too the device. That's why I'm asking on here because i'm getting different answers from everyone.

Thanks though, much appreciated.

Thanks for the quick responses to everyone.
Are you sure? like 100% sure. Only reason I ask is because I contacted Apple asking them about it 3 months ago and they said its to the account. Last night I contacted them and they said its too the device. That's why I'm asking on here because i'm getting different answers from everyone.

Thanks though, much appreciated.

Thanks for the quick responses to everyone.

Let me put it to you this way: I have Navigon with live traffic updates on both my iPhones and paid for the traffic update only once.

Let me put it to you this way: I have Navigon with live traffic updates on both my iPhones and paid for the traffic update only once.


That's all I needed to know! Thank you very much for your help! :)
Let me put it to you this way: I have Navigon with live traffic updates on both my iPhones and paid for the traffic update only once.

I'd like to know how you did that, because no matter what I do, I can't get traffic on my wife's phone, even if I want to buy it. The app itself, works fine. I've got traffic on my phone, but no matter how I install Navigon on my wife's phone, it won't let me add traffic. I get the same error message every time: "you must purchase the app in order to add this update".
I'm confused about this too. I installed the newest version of Navigon on my iphone and bought the traffic upgrade. Then I installed it on my wife's iphone (my iphone and hers are both authorized under my itunes account). The app runs fine on her phone, but when I go to the extras, I see the traffic update and it asks me if I want to purchase it. If I click on this, am I going to have to pay another 20 bucks or will there be another note saying that I've already purchased it and then can install it on her phone for free?
Let me put it to you this way: I have Navigon with live traffic updates on both my iPhones and paid for the traffic update only once.

I'd like to know how you did that, because no matter what I do, I can't get traffic on my wife's phone, even if I want to buy it. The app itself, works fine. I've got traffic on my phone, but no matter how I install Navigon on my wife's phone, it won't let me add traffic. I get the same error message every time: "you must purchase the app in order to add this update".

I just purchased the add on myself, and reading this, I'm getting a little concerned. So what happens if you get a phone replaced for warranty purposes? (I've had this done twice in the past year due to different issues). I'm hoping someone can verify you not going to have to re-purchase the in app stuff if this happens. That would REALLY be a bad move!
Originally Posted by itsjustmeee View Post
"I'm confused about adding the traffic update to more than one iphone too. I installed the newest version of Navigon on my iphone and bought the traffic upgrade. Then I installed it on my wife's iphone (my iphone and hers are both authorized under my itunes account). I then made sure that she is logged in under my account on her phone in itunes. The new version runs fine on her phone, but when I go to the extras, I see the traffic update and it asks me if I want to purchase it. If I click on this, am I going to have to pay another 20 bucks or will there be another note saying that I've already purchased it and then can install it on her phone for free?"

I emailed Navigon, there response was that yes you can put the app itself on up to 5 computers, but if you want traffic, you have to purchase the actual Navigon app for each computer. I've now emailed itunes support because I think this is a violation of the SLA.

This was Navigon's reply:

"Unfortunately is the application for the iPhone device related, that means actually you had to buy the application for your wife as well, that is the reason why it does not work, sorry for that."
I've only bought a in app purchase for a game and yes I've downloaded the in app purchase 3 or 4 times and for multiple iphones / ipod touches that are tied to my account and it only charged me once.

However, having said that I remember reading that once the in app purchases rolled out this would be up to the dev whether it'd be a purchase per account or per idevice. But since then I assume Apple decided against that and it's just tried to the account as I haven't heard any different.
I'd like to know how you did that, because no matter what I do, I can't get traffic on my wife's phone, even if I want to buy it. The app itself, works fine. I've got traffic on my phone, but no matter how I install Navigon on my wife's phone, it won't let me add traffic. I get the same error message every time: "you must purchase the app in order to add this update".
Is your wife using the same iTunes account?
Is your wife using the same iTunes account?

No, she has her own account. But, trust me, no matter how I download Navigon on her phone, no matter what account I use, mine, hers, doesn't matter. I get the same error message. Navigon's response to me was, yea you can put the app on up to five computers, but if you want traffic you have to buy the actual app for each device. I've emailed all of this to itunes support & when I get a response I'll post back. I think this is a violation of the SLA.
Make sure in the App Store of the phone you are logged in as the correct iTunes account. Once you do that, there should be a way to restore your In App purchases from your iTunes account.
No, she has her own account. But, trust me, no matter how I download Navigon on her phone, no matter what account I use, mine, hers, doesn't matter. I get the same error message. Navigon's response to me was, yea you can put the app on up to five computers, but if you want traffic you have to buy the actual app for each device. I've emailed all of this to itunes support & when I get a response I'll post back. I think this is a violation of the SLA.

Come on now. Did you actually try this. Jeez...

Assuming you have Navigon 1.3 on her iPhone......on her iPhone, go to:


Change the account from her account to your account. Then go into:


Add Navigon Traffic Live. Yes, it will appear that you have to buy it again. But it will see that your account has already paid for the update, it will tell you as much, and will apply it for free.

Come on now. Did you actually try this. Jeez...

Assuming you have Navigon 1.3 on her iPhone......on her iPhone, go to:


Change the account from her account to your account. Then go into:


Add Navigon Traffic Live. Yes, it will appear that you have to buy it again. But it will see that your account has already paid for the update, it will tell you as much, and will apply it for free.


Yes, I've done that twice. Same response. Did you read Navigon's response to my inquiry about this:

"Unfortunately is the application for the iPhone device related, that means actually you had to buy the application for your wife aswell, that is the reason why it does not work, sorry for that."
Yes, I've done that twice. Same response. Did you read Navigon's response to my inquiry about this:

"Unfortunately is the application for the iPhone device related, that means actually you had to buy the application for your wife aswell, that is the reason why it does not work, sorry for that."

I saw what they said. But it is wrong. Or should I say, it is not totally correct.

I upgraded my app first then paid for and installed the Traffic live feature. Then I sync'ed to iTunes. Then I shred my iTunes and copied the app to my wife's iTunes. Then I sync'ed her iPhone. Then I went in and did what I said in previous post. Live Traffic works fine on both phones.

"Then I shred my iTunes and copied the app to my wife's iTunes. Then I sync'ed her iPhone. Then I went in and did what I said in previous post. Live Traffic works fine on both phones."

My wife & I have separate itunes accounts on the same computer. How would I share my Itunes library with her. We also have separate logins. I really can't see how I'd be able to do this.
Reading all this now I'm confused as can be... Why can't it just be made simple... :confused:
"Then I shred my iTunes and copied the app to my wife's iTunes. Then I sync'ed her iPhone. Then I went in and did what I said in previous post. Live Traffic works fine on both phones."

My wife & I have separate itunes accounts on the same computer. How would I share my Itunes library with her. We also have separate logins. I really can't see how I'd be able to do this.

Note: That should be "shared" in my post, not "shred".

Easy. Turn on Home Sharing in your iTunes. Leave your iTunes up and running (don't log out) and log into her account and open iTunes. Turn on Home Sharing.

Well this blows evidently it is based on how the developer sets it up. For instance Pocket Tunes the $3 aac+ addon I'm unable to purchase it again on my other ipod touch.
"Unfortunately is the application for the iPhone device related, that means actually you had to buy the application for your wife aswell, that is the reason why it does not work, sorry for that."

In trying to purchase traffic for my wife's iphone, I kept getting an error message saying that I'd have to purchase the app itself for this device. I emailed Navigon, because Apple's SLA states that you can put apps on up to five computers for home/personal use. The above quote was Navigon's response. I thought this is BS, and opened a ticket with itunes support & emailed them Navigon's response to me. I said I'd post back when itunes support responded. Well the good news is this: iTunes, in an email to me, said that apple, not Navigon, controls the SLA and to ignore Navigon's response because it is not correct. They further stated that yes, you can put traffic on your wife's phone at no additional cost. They advised me to make sure that on her phone, it is signed in to my store account, delete the app from her phone, also to make sure to add the app back through itunes with the phone connected to the computer and signed in to my itunes account. Once done, I should be able to add traffic with no problems. If the update doesn't work, to contact them and they would advise further. So, bottom line, yes you can get traffic on multiple devices without having to pay for it.

Sad fact is, I'm not very impressed with the traffic update & doubt I'll go to the trouble of putting on my wife's phone, even after going through all of this with Navigon & itunes support.

This is quoted from itunes support:

To change the account you are using on your mobile device, go to your computer and sign in to the iTunes Store with the account you want to use on your mobile device, then sync your iPhone or iPod touch with your computer again. This will transfer the new account information to the mobile device. To sign in or out of an account in iTunes choose Store > Sign In (or Sign Out).
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