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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jul 29, 2005
Don't step into the kawoosh...
Well i am looking for a pair of in ear headphones. I am not sure what i should be looking for. I dont want to go over $50 and i think that should be enough for as much as i will use the headphones. Generally, i listen to the iPod through my car stereo speakers or the ones plugged into my computer.

I know there are some people hear that have headphones they love so please tell me.

Again i only am looking for in-ear headphones.

I have some Sony things. Don't know the model number, but they make some at various price points... mine go for under $30 on Amazon. "Fontopia" I think they call them.

They fit nice, isolate well, and have good bass. I'd buy 'em again.
I'd go with the Apple In-Ear headphones for $39.99. I have a pair and they sound absolutely phenomenal. I also like the way they still maintain the iPod style, which may or may not be a good thing if you're in a New York subway or something. ;)
i had a bad experience with expensive in-ear headphones. I got some $50 sony headphones and they are worse than the ones that came with my ipod....don't spend that much on a pair of in-ear headphones, just use the stock ones.
bill4588 said:
i had a bad experience with expensive in-ear headphones. I got some $50 sony headphones and they are worse than the ones that came with my ipod....don't spend that much on a pair of in-ear headphones, just use the stock ones.
I'm guessing you've never listened to the Apple in-ears....there is a huge difference to the point where I can't bear to use the stock earbuds anymore because of the lack of quality.
PaRaGoNViCtiM said:
The only headphones I use are "SkullCandy"! I absolutely love 'em, and I totally recommend them!!! I have the "iCon" which are not in-ear, and I have the "Smokin Buds" which are in-ear...there awesome, and the best part is there only $24.95!!
Check them out:

I have the same exact ones and they ARE awesome! I got them from FYE around Christmas time and they sound great, and they're cheap.
dsharits said:
I'd go with the Apple In-Ear headphones for $39.99. I have a pair and they sound absolutely phenomenal.

dsharits said:
I'm guessing you've never listened to the Apple in-ears....there is a huge difference to the point where I can't bear to use the stock earbuds anymore because of the lack of quality.

True, but they don't stay in my ear at all, no matter which size insert I use. For that reason I wouldn't recommend the Apple in-ear. My cousin has a pair of Sonys that are just great. Don't know the model, but they were mid-level, not the cheapest pairs, and not the $200 noise cancellation type.
Another vote for the MDR-EX71s, me (and my girlie) adore ours. After six months of these all ordinary ear buds feel a bit harsh. Only complaint is the minor annoyance of the "short cord" model fitted with the extension cord (since we don't have separate remotes for which the short cord is for in the first place): the joint is always a bit stuck somewhere, under the seatbelt or shoulder bag strap or so. But I recall they sell a "normal" length version of it too.
I also have the Sony MDR-71 and they're great.

Sound is great and the noice cancelling feature really works.
Just got back from HK and used the phones with the onboard entertainment system and it worked out very well.

BUT 1 major problem with the 71's is the build quality. I'm already using my 3rd pair in 2 years. The cord connecting the left and right earbuds ERODES/ melts after a couple of months, leaving the internal cables open! Sony used some kind of cheap plastic.

Just do a google search about it.
I see a lot of people suggesting sony EX-71, but in my opinion they are a bad purchase. First because they have poor sound quality (yes, i know how to put them in my ears), second because they won't last long (less than a year on average even if you use them with care).

I would reccomend either a shure or ultimate ears product for good sound and build quality. You won't find a pair of those for 50 dollars but you won't replace them every year, so in the long run you will enjoy higher quality sound at the same price.

If you really can't go above 50$, at least get the EX-81 instead of the 71 model. I have them both and the EX-81 is a definite step up from the EX-71, that to me sound muddy on the low end, absent in the mids and shrill/scratchy in the highs.
Well it seems like a lot of people like the Sony MDR-EX71SL.

I looked at the Sony MDR-EX81LP and while i do like them i have a question. If anyone out there has these and has glasses, how do they fit? Do they feel ok?? Are they comfortable?? I guess if i got these it would force me to wear my contacts more which really is not a bad thing.

The other ones i was looking at are the Etymotic Research ER6i Isolator Earphones. Now, these are about double the price i orginally said i wanted to spend but after reading some of the comments and reviews they seem to be very good. Can anyone comment on the these and convince me that they are really worth it?

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Abstract said:
True, but they don't stay in my ear at all, no matter which size insert I use. For that reason I wouldn't recommend the Apple in-ear. My cousin has a pair of Sonys that are just great. Don't know the model, but they were mid-level, not the cheapest pairs, and not the $200 noise cancellation type.
They fit my ears pretty well. It does take some playing to get them jst right sometimes, but it's great once they're set. Oh well, everyone's ears are different I guess.
dsharits said:
I'd go with the Apple In-Ear headphones for $39.99. I have a pair and they sound absolutely phenomenal. I also like the way they still maintain the iPod style, which may or may not be a good thing if you're in a New York subway or something. ;)

Agreed, they do produce amazing sound...BUT only if you know how/figure out how to put them in your ears. I've heard waaaaay too many people complain about how they're crappy and produce tinny, low quality sound and it's because they never took the time to find the right ear bud size (Apple gives u S, M, & L to choose from) and fit them correctly.

Anyways, I think they're a great deal for the money. If you need help putting 'em in or adjusting them, PM me or reply back. :)
Wait until the Shure E2Cs go on sale for $60 again and buy those. They're definitely worth an extra $10. I bought mine for $60 from and couldn't be happier.

Just keep an eye on, they seem to go on sale quite often.
the sony's everyone talks about are good. I had mine for 2 years before I lost them, abused them on a regular basis (stuff them at the bottom of backpack, sit on them, more), and they worked great. The sound quality is way better than the Apple headphones that come with the iPods. I've never tried the Apple in ear headphones, but I would really recommend getting headphones that are not white . You may live in a small town away from any risk of crime, but if you ever find yourself in a more bustling part of the world those white headphones can put you at a serious risk for theft or worse.

Also Apple's forté is not sound quality and precision, it is more a creative company that innovates. Because of this innovation they charge a premium on everything they make, so I'm guessing that yuou aren't getting what you pay for when you buy a simple thing like headphones from apple. It's like back in the day when DVD-Rs first came out, you could buy apple dvd-rs from the apple store, but they cost 2x as much as other brands.
I had the Apple in ear buds for about a week. I was not very happy with them due to the fact that my left ear is a little to small even for the smallest ear piece. So I can't say anything about the sound.

I like the idea of in ear headphone buds. Does anybody know if the smallest ear piece of the Shure E2C is smaller than the apple kind.

I know it's a weird question but has anybody here tried both of them. I would be willing to give it one more shot. I have read several revues of the E2C and it sounds they are a little more customizable than the apple in ear buds.

Any advice would be appreciated
PaRaGoNViCtiM said:
The only headphones I use are "SkullCandy"! I absolutely love 'em, and I totally recommend them!!! I have the "iCon" which are not in-ear, and I have the "Smokin Buds" which are in-ear...there awesome, and the best part is there only $24.95!!
Check them out:
I am really interested in these SkullCandy headphones. Any other info for me before I slap down the $24? Do they tend to have more treble or bass? Noise cancellation? Better or worse than the Apple in-ears? Better or worse than the MDR-EX7's? E2C's? ER6-I's???
iHeartTheApple said:
Agreed, they do produce amazing sound...BUT only if you know how/figure out how to put them in your ears.

Yeah, it could be that, or it could be that they weren't designed very well. ;) I'm not the first to complain about the fit, either. Sony also provides different inserts for people of various ear sizes, and you don't hear many problems about the fit.

jadekitty24 said:
The $50 Sony model is good. I just purchased them and finally found earbuds that stay in my ears.
They stay in your ear, right? Do they do this while you're walking fast or jogging or something?
I'll be checking those Sony EX81s because they look like they could work well when I jog, but if I can pay less and get the EX71s, I'd do that instead. I think those are the ones my cousin has, which I mentioned before as being quite good.
Abstract said:
They stay in your ear, right? Do they do this while you're walking fast or jogging or something?
I'll be checking those Sony EX81s because they look like they could work well when I jog, but if I can pay less and get the EX71s, I'd do that instead. I think those are the ones my cousin has, which I mentioned before as being quite good.
Yes, they fit in my ears really well. I have yet to test them with running or excersizing, but they stay in my ears when I clean the house, and I'm moving quite a bit when I do that. This was the 4th different set that I bought and I finally hit it right. As a matter of fact, I just found the package so I can confirm it is model MDR-EX715L. They also come with 3 sets of silicone inserts, and I think I saw a kit at Radio Shack with all different sized silicone inserts for this particular model.
prostuff1 said:
I looked at the Sony MDR-EX81LP and while i do like them i have a question. If anyone out there has these and has glasses, how do they fit? Do they feel ok?? Are they comfortable?
Depending on your ears shape and glasses, the EX-81 can get mildly annoying if you are wearing glasses because you have more chance of breaking the "seal" between your ear canal and the earbud.
When that happens, the sound quality is ruined because there is no more bass resonance and they just sound thin without it. So you will have to readjust them in your ears.
If i am not wearing glasses they are so comfortable and light that i forget to have them on my ears, comfort is the best thing about the EX-51/71/81 series.

About the etymotic ER6i, they are analytical/cold sounding but they have a lot of detail. The comparable shure offer, which is the e3 has warmer sound signature at the expense of detail (especially in the highs, where the ER6i shine, the e3 have a significant roll off).

Since it's impossible to determine your taste until you hear them, i would reccomend either going to a place where you can listen to them side by side before you buy or get a pair of EX-81 and base your next purchase on the feelings you get from those.

As i said before, my vote goes to the EX-81 because of their (large) superiority in clarity of sound over the EX-51/71 models.
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