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King Alekay

macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 3, 2011
Who agrees with this statement?

I don't really care anymore, I have a 2011 MBA.
Last edited:


macrumors 68020
Feb 19, 2011
What does that mean?

You can already order an MBP with an SSD. Apple going SSD only in MBPs makes no sense.


macrumors 65816
Jul 17, 2008
Pittsburgh, PA
Well eventually all computers will be using flash storage. As prices come down on SSD's, I can see Apple making them standard in all of their computers. I wouldn't be surprised if it happens in the upcoming refresh.


macrumors 603
Feb 5, 2009
I think it will still take a few years. SSD's are still very expensive, and you don't see almost any that are over 512/500Gb. That's a pretty bad limitation when you consider mechanical hard drives are up to 1Tb in laptops nowadays. They are making progress, but maybe the earliest this would happen would be 2013 MBP IMO.


macrumors 68040
Dec 5, 2009
Putting an SSD into a 2.5" case is wasting some space.
One could ask (unless that is already the question) if all MBPs will feature SSDs in a more space saving form in the future, like soldered to the logic board or using small blades as in the MBA, which are like naked SSD in a slightly longer form.
I think the perfect solution would be a blade or soldered 64 to 128GB SSD alongside a standard 2.5" bay for the common cheap mass storage in a MBP.
That would be a truly useful and decent feature that we are already waiting to long for. The high prices of 15" and 17" should allow for such a feature in the next generation of these models.
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