Okay, here's my situation. I'm gonna be a senior in highschool after the summer. I want to get my first Mac for several reasons. One, the family PC I use now is very slow with an early P4 and limited RAM along with weak graphics. I have to share with the family, and it's quite irritating. Secondly, I plan on pursuing a career in journalism. I currently use the G5 iMacs at school for working within InDesign. It would be great to transfer my stuff from home directly to the Macs at school. I first used a Mac two years ago in while in a journalism class, and absolutely fell in love with OSX. It is leagues beyond Windows in every way, in my opinion. My friends laugh at me that I support the Mac platform so much, yet I don't even own one.
The problem is, I really want/need a computer now. However, I know I'll get another one next summer before going off to college. So, I'm constantly debating between my choices of what to buy.
I originally wanted a 17" iMac. I figured it would be the perfect purchase. I'm sure I could talk my mom into getting me a desk for my room. After the inital purchase, I could add more RAM, seperate speakers, and more software throughout the year. Also, while I'm a console gamer at heart (Own an X360, and plan on picking up other consoles later this year), I would love the option of playing all those PC games I missed over the years by using Boot Camp.
Then, the MacBook was shown. I LOVE the looks of it. If I were to pick it up, I'd likely by the 2.0GHz white model. I'm sure it could do everything I need it to do. Although, I'd be forgoing the larger screen of the iMac, and the ability to play some games here and there. Then again, it would be great if I could just bring my laptop up to school during deadline week of the paper to free up computers for other editors. Yet, portability isn't REALLY necessary, as I could just pick up a flash drive to move documents instead (Heck, I'd likely pick up a shuffle, heh).
Both have their pros, both have their cons. But whatever I do, I'll buy the opposite next summer. If I purchase a laptop now, it'll be a desktop next year, or vice-versa. Which brings me to another point. Next year, will I want a brand new, really powerfull desktop, or a really portable, sleek laptop?
Decisions, decisions. I've been contemplating all possibilities over the last couple weeks, and I just can't make up my mind. Now that I'm finally near having enough money, I should be able to pick either up towards the second half of summer vacation. Then again, I could save through the first month or so of school, and maybe get a 15" MB Pro. But then I could be cutting into my PS3 savings. Plus, my car is a bit unreliable, and I should be saving up for a new one. Ugh.
So, this is my little rant. If anyone has any opinions, ideas, or remarks, I'd love to hear them.
The problem is, I really want/need a computer now. However, I know I'll get another one next summer before going off to college. So, I'm constantly debating between my choices of what to buy.
I originally wanted a 17" iMac. I figured it would be the perfect purchase. I'm sure I could talk my mom into getting me a desk for my room. After the inital purchase, I could add more RAM, seperate speakers, and more software throughout the year. Also, while I'm a console gamer at heart (Own an X360, and plan on picking up other consoles later this year), I would love the option of playing all those PC games I missed over the years by using Boot Camp.
Then, the MacBook was shown. I LOVE the looks of it. If I were to pick it up, I'd likely by the 2.0GHz white model. I'm sure it could do everything I need it to do. Although, I'd be forgoing the larger screen of the iMac, and the ability to play some games here and there. Then again, it would be great if I could just bring my laptop up to school during deadline week of the paper to free up computers for other editors. Yet, portability isn't REALLY necessary, as I could just pick up a flash drive to move documents instead (Heck, I'd likely pick up a shuffle, heh).
Both have their pros, both have their cons. But whatever I do, I'll buy the opposite next summer. If I purchase a laptop now, it'll be a desktop next year, or vice-versa. Which brings me to another point. Next year, will I want a brand new, really powerfull desktop, or a really portable, sleek laptop?
Decisions, decisions. I've been contemplating all possibilities over the last couple weeks, and I just can't make up my mind. Now that I'm finally near having enough money, I should be able to pick either up towards the second half of summer vacation. Then again, I could save through the first month or so of school, and maybe get a 15" MB Pro. But then I could be cutting into my PS3 savings. Plus, my car is a bit unreliable, and I should be saving up for a new one. Ugh.
So, this is my little rant. If anyone has any opinions, ideas, or remarks, I'd love to hear them.