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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 27, 2008
I was browsing another thread earlier and noticed the theme iNav. I was curious if anyone who has the GruppledLockInfo theme installed has been successful installing iNav along with it?
Looks like iNav has it's own lockscreen theme. Perhaps, if you set Gruppled above iNav in Winterboard, it might override iNav, but there could be conflicts

Thanks. After searching around I have noticed some comments that iNav just looks good, but is a pain. I think I'll stray away from it and look for something a little more user friendly.
Thanks. After searching around I have noticed some comments that iNav just looks good, but is a pain. I think I'll stray away from it and look for something a little more user friendly.
Inav is a pain i put it on for a day then gave up looks busy to me.
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