I don't know how silly this is going to be, but here we go. I am a photographer, and I what I am looking for is a way to simplify my album process.
Currently, I lay out all my albums in Photoshop. I made some templates in Illustrator, saved them as jpgs, and I just size the photos to the templates in PS. This is incredibly time consuming.
My question is, if I made the templates in InDesign, how would it be different? really, what I'm asking is, can I make something like iPhoto books, where there are image "zones" and I just drop images in there from Bridge, and all the resizing can be handled in InDesign?
Or if you can think of a better way, lay it on me. I'm a one man show here, and making my workflow more efficient is key.
As always, thanks in advance.
Currently, I lay out all my albums in Photoshop. I made some templates in Illustrator, saved them as jpgs, and I just size the photos to the templates in PS. This is incredibly time consuming.
My question is, if I made the templates in InDesign, how would it be different? really, what I'm asking is, can I make something like iPhoto books, where there are image "zones" and I just drop images in there from Bridge, and all the resizing can be handled in InDesign?
Or if you can think of a better way, lay it on me. I'm a one man show here, and making my workflow more efficient is key.
As always, thanks in advance.