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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 14, 2007
Hello All, this is my first post here.

I recently purchased a 1 GHz G4 eMac (512 MB, paid $75) and a 300 MHz G3 indigo iMac (128 MB, paid $25) from a school's surplus auction. The eMac is running OS X 10.4, but I'd like to put OS X 10.2-3 on the G3 iMac if possible.

I have no experience with OS 9. The G3 iMac has OS 9.2 on it currently, but I cannot use it for anything because there are no control center apps. When I put in a CD, nothing happens. Sherlock is not installed, or any other program for that matter. All I can see is the desktop and the HD icon. I cannot eject a CD via software, I have to reboot and hold down the mouse button.

I have heard that a firmware update is necessary, and that a working copy of OS 9 must be installed prior to upgrading. I am bidding on OS 9.2 and 10.2 CD's on Ebay as I write this. I have 2 other macs to use as masters for target disk mode, if this is a viable method to install OS X, an eMac and a MacBook Pro.

Question: How can I get OS 10 on my iMac?

My goal is to load it with a few learning games and turn my 4-year loose on it after Christmas.

Thanks for your advice!
You could go to 10.2. You might get 10.3 on there if you upgrade the RAM. But as is, I would stick to 10.2. My brothers-in-law are running 10.2 on an old Bondi Blue iMac (233 MHz with, I think, 160 MB of RAM) and it works. Slow, but it works. I had an upgraded Bondi (500 MHz Harmoni card with 192 MB) that was running 10.3 just fine until its untimely demise.
pls see my sig. I have a 350 mhz imac. I've upgraded the hd and memory (Very easy) and it flies in jaguar. I'll be putting panther on it in a month's time. The only thing it won't be able to do is play movies without choppyness (although youtube isn't choppy).

btw putting in a 7200 rpm hd made a huge difference for me. the original hds are only 4200 rpm... as for ram I'd say even 512 is more than enough for a 4 year old.
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